Speaker: Elder Ronald Lawrence
823 sermons
>Baptism - 6/12/1969 Fear Not the Final Judgment - 4/26/1970 Fishers of Men - 1/5/1975 The Resurrection - 1/5/1975 Where No Oxen Are - 1/5/1975 Study to Show Thyself Approved - 8/18/1975 The Long Suffering of God- D.. - 8/24/1975 John Saw the Spirit Descending - 3/14/1976 Preach the Truth - 3/14/1976 Isaiah 43 - 3/28/1976 Coming to Christ - 8/16/1976 The Postage Stamp - 8/22/1976 The Blind - 3/27/1977 The Grace of Ability - 1/8/1978 Exceeding Great & Precious P.. - 8/25/1978 Isaiah 26:1 - 11/11/1978 Love - 2/22/1979 Call, Called, and Calling - 2/23/1979 "Word" - 2/24/1979 God is Not a Man - 2/24/1979 The Way, The Truth, and The.. - 2/24/1979 God's Written Word - 1/1/1980 #1 Priority in our religion.. - 6/23/1980 Possessions - 8/24/1980 Characteristics of the Church - 6/17/1982 This is the Way - 1/2/1983 Funeral Service for.. - 2/21/1983 Speech Seasoned with Salt - 5/18/1983 Lord's Increase - 6/19/1983 Pentecost - 6/19/1983 Things to do before Winter - 1/21/1984 Except Ye Be Converted as Li.. - 2/26/1984 The Mystery of Godliness - 8/24/1984 7 Horses, 1 Mule and a.. - 11/4/1984 Be Not Ashamed - 7/18/1986 Holding On Your Way - 7/18/1986 Fellowship of Suffering - 7/19/1986 Reckon Yourselves Dead to Sin - 7/19/1986 Your Body is the Temple of.. - 1/17/1987 Fear Not - 7/17/1987 Walk in the Light - 2/23/1988 Through Christ Who.. - 2/24/1988 Imaginations - 8/26/1989 Rising & Falling - 8/26/1990 Exhortations to Timothy - 9/9/1990 1 Corinthians 1- Part 1 - 9/30/1990 Trust in the Lord - 9/30/1990 1 Corinthians 1- Part 2 - 10/7/1990 What is the Authority in.. - 10/7/1990 Continue in the Apostle's.. - 12/15/1991 One Lord, One Faith, One Bap.. - 2/22/1992 Offenses - 5/9/1992 Spiritually Minded - 5/23/1992 Dying to Live - 6/7/1992 Our Walls - 6/14/1992 I am the Almighty God - 9/27/1992 The True and Living God Part 3 - 12/20/1992 The Lord is in his Holy Temple - 12/27/1992 Contending for the Faith - 8/27/1993 1994 Cincinnati Singing School - 1/2/1994 God's Sovereign Grace - 3/3/1994 Kept by the Power of God - 3/19/1994 The Great Flood - 10/1/1994 The Beatitudes - 10/2/1994 Salt of the Earth and Light.. - 10/16/1994 Living in Christ with Your C.. - 11/8/1994 Three Crosses - 11/11/1994 Our Schoolmaster - 11/12/1994 Gospel Baptism - 11/18/1994 Jesus Christ, Sin Bearer - 11/18/1994 Gift of Charity - 11/19/1994 Comparing & Contrasting.. - 1/1/1995 The Sweet Message of the Gos.. - 1/29/1995 Looking for the Good Way - 4/30/1995 To Jesus Look and Live - 4/30/1995 The Anointing - 5/5/1995 Remember Lot's Wife - 6/3/1995 The Purpose of the Church - 6/4/1995 Feet Washing - 6/18/1995 O My Dove - 9/17/1995 Walking Together - 9/24/1995 Thy Throne Shall Be.. - 4/5/1996 The Second Coming of Christ - 5/24/1996 Unto All Who Obey Him - 6/5/1996 Wonderful - 12/15/1996 Make Us a King - 1/1/1997 Make Us a King - 1/1/1997 Small Things - 2/9/1997 That Ye Sin Not - 5/30/1998 A Grave Warning: Love Not th.. - 5/31/1998 Foundations for Christian.. - 11/2/1998 Immediate, Holy Spirit.. - 11/2/1998 Called to Walk Worthy - 8/6/1999 Sovereignty of God - 8/6/1999 This Man! - 1/1/2000 Blessed be the God, who hath.. - 11/10/2000 And There Arose a Great storm - 11/11/2000 Constitution of Fair Haven.. - 12/1/2001 Extraordinary Seasons of.. - 12/28/2002 Sharing Good News - 12/28/2002 The Foundation for Revival - 12/28/2002 The Kingdom of God - 12/28/2002 Enriched by Christ - 12/29/2002 Fight the good fight of faith - 12/29/2002 He Restoreth My Soul - 6/15/2003 Judgment - 7/12/2003 Satisfied with Jesus, Dissat.. - 8/8/2003 Wilt Thou Not Revive Us Again - 2/6/2004 How Can Afflictions Work for.. - 2/7/2004 Who Worketh All Things After.. - 2/7/2004 Eternal Salvation: Identical.. - 4/6/2004 Evangelism & Discipleship - 4/6/2004 Personal Experiences in Illn.. - 4/6/2004 The Deity of Christ - 4/6/2004 The Doctrine of Election - 4/6/2004 The Prophecy Against Jeroboam - 4/6/2004 Footstep of the Flock - 4/7/2004 Great is the Lord - 4/7/2004 Who is Christ? - 4/9/2004 The Doctrine of Election - 4/30/2004 Repentance- Flee to the Lamb - 7/22/2004 Faith - 7/23/2004 The Countenance of God - 7/23/2004 Friend of Sinners - 7/24/2004 Romans 7 - 7/24/2004 Incarnation of Christ - 7/25/2004 Charge to the Deacons.. - 12/11/2004 Lordship of Christ - 2/20/2005 Just Like Jesus - 4/17/2005 A Virtuous Woman - 6/12/2005 The Lord is our Surety - 7/5/2005 Grace that Sanctifies - 7/10/2005 How Shall A Man Be Just With.. - 7/21/2005 Mount of Transfiguration - 7/21/2005 Running, Fighting, & Wrestling - 7/22/2005 The Drawing of the Lord - 7/22/2005 Who is my neighbor? - 7/22/2005 Be Ye Kind One to Another - 11/13/2005 Training our Treasure-.. - 9/10/2006 How Behave Towards One Another - 2/24/2012 Be Sober, Be Vigilant - 3/24/2012 A Call to Repentance - 7/25/2013 Elder Huffman's Experience.. - 7/25/2013 Life is Worth Living.. - 7/25/2013 Reasons for the Incarnation.. - 7/25/2013 Serving God Our #1 Priority - 7/25/2013 The Gospel According to Pain - 7/25/2013 Abiding in the Vine - 7/26/2013 Overcoming 3 Sins - 7/26/2013 The Glory of NT Worship - 7/26/2013 The Prophet Like Unto Me - 7/26/2013 Put off the Old Man and Put.. - 7/27/2013 Three Lights - 7/27/2013 The Righteous Judgment of God - 7/28/2013 The Astonishing Doctrine of.. - 11/7/2014 2 Kings Ch 6 & 7 Elisha.. - 2/28/2016 Judge of the Quick and Dead - 11/20/2020 [Video] Three B's of the.. - 12/29/2020 Three B's of the Gospel - 12/29/2020 Sing! - 1/21/2021 Keys of the Kingdom - 1/1/2022 Urgency to Take Up your Cross - 10/27/2022 Come on Back- Drifting - 11/23/2022 How Can Afflictions Work for.. - 11/23/2022 The Beauty of Holiness - 12/16/2022
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