Rev. Justin Smidstra | Zeeland, Michigan
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Speaker: Rev. Daniel Holstege
852 sermons
The Commandment Against Adultery
>Prayer Deliverance from Evil - 6/21/2009 Prayer, Deliverance from Evil - 6/28/2009 Assurance Our Prayer Is Heard - 7/12/2009 Comfort of Belonging to Christ - 7/19/2009 Learning to Know My Misery - 7/26/2009 The Blame for Our Misery - 8/2/2009 Man's Misery: So Great! - 8/9/2009 God's Righteous Judgments - 8/16/2009 One Way Out: God's Way - 8/23/2009 Our Gospel - 9/6/2009 Union With Christ - 9/20/2009 What is Saving Faith? - 10/4/2009 The Triune God of Friendship - 10/11/2009 Believing God Our Father - 10/18/2009 God the Father, Creator - 10/25/2009 Believing Providence - 11/1/2009 Jesus: God's Perfect Deliverer - 11/8/2009 Christ, God's Anointed - 11/15/2009 Our Chief Prophet - 11/22/2009 Prophets Confessing Christ - 11/29/2009 Active Priesthood of Christian - 12/20/2009 Christ the King - 12/27/2009 Given to Humble Sincerity - 1/10/2010 Christians as Kings - 1/17/2010 Christ is Lord - 1/24/2010 Jesus Christ: Really a Man - 1/31/2010 Jesus' Suffering of the Cross - 2/7/2010 Deliverance, House of Bondage - 2/14/2010 Believing Bodily Resurrection - 2/21/2010 Jesus' Profitable Ascension - 3/7/2010 The Glory of Christ Our Head - 3/21/2010 The King's Coming Judgment - 3/28/2010 Believing in the Holy Spirit - 4/11/2010 Love for Church Membership - 4/25/2010 Hope for a Glorious Future - 5/2/2010 The Justification of Sinners - 5/9/2010 Justification and Good Works - 5/16/2010 The Source of Faith - 6/6/2010 Sacraments: Confirmation - 6/13/2010 Assured by Holy Baptism - 7/4/2010 Infant Baptism & the Covenant - 7/11/2010 Infant Baptism & Parental Call - 7/18/2010 Lord's Supper's Assurance - 7/25/2010 Eating and Drinking Christ - 8/1/2010 The Lord's Supper and the Mass - 8/8/2010 The Lord's Supper: Holy Meal - 8/15/2010 The Keys of the Kingdom - 8/29/2010 Grace and Good Works - 9/19/2010 True Conversion - 10/3/2010 Genuine Good Works - 10/10/2010 The Law of God: Gratitude - 10/24/2010 Idolatry Forbidden - 10/31/2010 Worshipping God Rightly - 11/14/2010 Reverencing God's Name - 11/21/2010 Swearing Lawful Oaths - 11/28/2010 Keeping the Lord's Sabbath - 12/5/2010 The Commandment Against Adulte - 12/26/2010 Speaking Truth, Avoiding Lies - 1/16/2011 The Last Requirement - 1/23/2011 Christian Prayer - 2/6/2011 Addressing God as Our Father - 2/20/2011 Hallowed Be Thy Name - 2/27/2011 Praying Thy Kingdom Come - 3/6/2011 Praying Thy Will Be Done - 3/20/2011 Praying for Forgiveness - 3/27/2011 Praying for Strength in Battle - 4/3/2011 Conclusion of Christian Prayer - 4/17/2011 Comfort of Belonging to Lord - 4/24/2011 Teaching Us Our Misery - 5/1/2011 God's Justice Toward Sinner - 5/22/2011 Satisfaction of God's Justice - 5/29/2011 Our Perfect Mediator - 6/5/2011 True Saving Faith - 6/26/2011 The Holy Trinity - 7/17/2011 Our Divine Father - 7/24/2011 God's Work of Providence - 7/31/2011 Jesus Our Only Savior - 8/7/2011 Christ, God's Anointed - 8/21/2011 God's Only Begotten Son - 8/28/2011 The Incarnation of God's Son - 9/4/2011 The Death of the Son of God - 9/25/2011 Profit, Christ's Resurrection - 10/2/2011 The Ascension of Christ - 10/9/2011 The Coming of Our Exalted Lord - 10/16/2011 God the Holy Spirit - 10/23/2011 The Church of Christ - 10/30/2011 The Communion of Saints - 11/13/2011 The Forgiveness of Sins - 11/20/2011 Resurrection Unto Life Eternal - 12/4/2011 Righteous Before God by Faith - 12/18/2011 Answering Objections... - 1/15/2012 The Means of Faith - 1/22/2012 Sacrament of the Lord's Supper - 1/29/2012 Spiritual Partaking of Christ - 2/5/2012 Proper Partaker, Lord's Supper - 2/19/2012 The Keys of the Kingdom - 2/26/2012 Positive Reasons, Good Works - 3/4/2012 Living in True Conversion - 3/18/2012 The Law of God... - 4/1/2012 Worshipping as God Commands - 4/22/2012 Using God's Name with Fear - 4/29/2012 Resting on the Sabbath Day - 5/6/2012 Avoiding All Murder - 5/27/2012 Detesting Uncleanness - 6/3/2012 Not Stealing, But Giving - 6/10/2012 Telling the Truth - 6/17/2012 Our Prayer Life, Antithetical - 7/8/2012 Prayer and the Antithesis - 7/15/2012 Prayer and the Antithesis - 7/22/2012 Prayer and the Antithesis - 7/29/2012 Prayer and the Antithesis - 8/5/2012 Prayer and the Antithesis - 8/12/2012 Prayer and the Antithesis - 8/19/2012 Prayer and the Antithesis - 9/2/2012 Our Only Comfort - 9/9/2012 Misery Known from God's Law - 9/23/2012 Creation of Man in God's Image - 9/30/2012 The Fall of Man Into Sin - 10/7/2012 The Total Corruption of Man - 10/14/2012 God's Just Dealings... - 10/21/2012 Reconciliation, Satisfaction - 10/28/2012 Christ, Our Perfect Mediator - 11/4/2012 The Holy Gospel of God - 11/11/2012 True Faith - 11/18/2012 Faith in the Triune God - 11/25/2012 Faith in God as Our Father - 12/2/2012 The Providence of God - 12/23/2012 Faith in Jesus Our Savior - 12/30/2012 Faith in Christ Our Prophet - 1/6/2013 Faith in Christ, High Priest - 1/13/2013 Faith in Christ Our King - 1/20/2013 Faith in God's Begotten Son - 1/27/2013 Faith in Jesus, Our Lord - 2/3/2013 The Wonder of the Incarnation - 2/10/2013 The Suffering of Christ - 2/17/2013 The Suffering of Christ - 2/24/2013 The Suffering of Christ - 3/3/2013 The Suffering of Christ - 3/10/2013 His Crucifixion and Descent - 3/24/2013 Christ's Ascension into Heaven - 4/7/2013 Christ's Coming Again as Judge - 4/14/2013 The Holy Spirit of Christ - 4/21/2013 The One True Church of Christ - 4/28/2013 Our Comfort Regarding Future - 5/5/2013 Our Justification by Grace - 5/12/2013 What About Our Good Works? - 6/2/2013 The Means of Grace - 6/9/2013 Covenant, Baptism, and Infants - 6/30/2013 Witnessing to Roman Catholics - 7/7/2013 For Whom is the Lord's Supper - 7/14/2013 The Keys of Christ's Kingdom - 7/21/2013 Why Christians Do Good Works - 7/28/2013 Our Conversion to God - 8/4/2013 Commandment Against Idolatry - 8/25/2013 Command Against Image Worship - 9/1/2013 The Command Against Profaning - 9/8/2013 Swearing Oaths in Name of God - 9/22/2013 Remember the Sabbath Day - 9/29/2013 Command to Honor Authorities - 10/6/2013 The Command Against Murder - 10/13/2013 The Command Against Adultery - 10/27/2013 The Command Not to Steal - 11/3/2013 The Command Against Lying - 11/10/2013 The Command Against Coveting - 11/17/2013 Drawing Near to God in Prayer - 11/24/2013 Our Petition For Glory of God - 1/12/2014 Our Petition for God's Kingdom - 1/19/2014 Our Petition for Daily Bread - 2/2/2014 Our Petition for Forgiveness - 2/9/2014 Concluding Prayer, Confidence - 2/23/2014 God's Law - 6/21/2015 God Created Man Good - 7/12/2015 Our Original Sin - 7/19/2015 Our Total Depravity - 7/26/2015 God's Just Punishment of Sin - 8/2/2015 Escape Through Satisfaction - 8/9/2015 Reconciled by Our Mediator - 8/23/2015 The Glorious Gospel of Christ - 8/30/2015 By a True Faith - 9/6/2015 Three in One - 9/13/2015 The Maker of Heaven and Earth - 9/20/2015 The Fatherhood of God - 9/27/2015 Providence of Our Almighty God - 10/4/2015 Jesus, Our Savior from Sin - 10/11/2015 Christ, Our Chief Prophet - 10/18/2015 Christ, Our Only High Priest - 10/25/2015 Christ, Our Eternal King - 11/8/2015 Eternal Sonship of Our Lord - 11/22/2015 Miracle of Christ's Conception - 11/29/2015 Suffering on Our Behalf - 12/6/2015 Christ's Humiliation - 12/13/2015 Miracle, Christ's Resurrection - 12/20/2015 The Ascension of Christ - 12/27/2015 The Work of the Holy Spirit - 2/7/2016 God's Temple - 2/21/2016 Fellowship of All Believers - 2/28/2016 My Sins Remembered No More - 3/6/2016 The Promise of Life - 3/13/2016 Righteous by Faith in Christ - 3/20/2016 Justification and Good Works - 4/10/2016 The Source of True Faith - 4/17/2016 Admonished and Assured - 4/24/2016 Covenant, Baptism, & Children - 5/8/2016 Spiritual Signs of a Spiritual - 6/5/2016 The Lord's Supper and the Mass - 6/12/2016 Participation in Lord's Supper - 6/19/2016 The Kingdom's Keys - 6/26/2016 The Kingdom Keys: Discipline - 7/10/2016 Must We Still Do Good Works? - 7/24/2016 The Truth of Conversion - 7/31/2016 God's Law: How Sweet! - 8/7/2016 Loving God Alone - 8/21/2016 Worshipping God Properly - 8/28/2016 Using God's Name Reverently - 9/4/2016 Third Commandment and Oath - 9/11/2016 Honoring Those in Authority - 9/25/2016 God's Pro-Life Teaching - 10/2/2016 Loving My Neighbor - 10/9/2016 Loving My Neighbor - 10/16/2016 Loving My Neighbor in His Name - 10/23/2016 Command Forbidding Coveting - 11/6/2016 The Comfort of God's Gospel - 5/7/2017 The Importance of True Self.. - 5/21/2017 Man's Misery: Pointing the.. - 5/28/2017 So Corrupt - 6/11/2017 Understanding the Justice.. - 6/18/2017 God's Way Out: Righteousness - 6/25/2017 The Gospel of Our Mediator - 7/2/2017 Christ, the Anointed.. - 9/3/2017 Anointed Partakers of the.. - 9/10/2017 The Son of God, Our Lord - 9/17/2017 In the Fullness of Time:.. - 9/24/2017 Mediator Who Chose to Suffer - 10/1/2017 Mediator's Supreme Gift - 10/8/2017 Our Covenant Head - 10/15/2017 Our Covenant Head in Heaven - 10/22/2017 Christ King in Glory Reigning - 11/19/2017 God the Holy Spirit - 11/26/2017 Spirit Unified Church, Christ - 12/3/2017 Our Hope for Perfect Glory - 12/10/2017 Righteous Before God - 12/17/2017 Justified Saint's Good Works - 12/24/2017 Employing the Means of Grace - 12/31/2017 The Washing of Holy Baptism - 1/7/2018 Covenant Sign of Holy Baptism - 1/14/2018 Sacrament of the Lord's Supper - 1/21/2018 Presence In The Lord's Supper - 1/28/2018 Sanctity of the Lord's Supper - 2/4/2018 Employing Keys of Kingdom - 2/25/2018 Necessity of Doing Good Works - 3/4/2018 Our Daily Conversion - 3/11/2018 According to Law of Gratitude - 3/18/2018 Trusting in One True God Alone - 3/25/2018 Rightly Worshiping 1 True God - 4/22/2018 Rightly Using God's Holy Name - 4/29/2018 Swearing Oaths in God's Name - 5/6/2018 Rightly Resting on Sabbath Day - 5/27/2018 God-Ordained Authority - 6/3/2018 Rightly Loving Our Neighbors - 6/10/2018 Called to Chaste Living - 6/17/2018 Called to be Good Stewards - 6/24/2018 Commanded Speak Truth in Love - 7/15/2018 Commandment Claiming Our Heart - 7/22/2018 The Christian's Life of Prayer - 7/29/2018 Addressing God in Prayer - 8/19/2018 Praying Father Name Glorified - 8/26/2018 Praying for Coming Kingdom - 9/2/2018 Praying Father's Will be Done - 9/9/2018 Our Father Provide Daily Bread - 9/16/2018 Praying for Forgiveness - 9/23/2018 Father Deliver Us from Evil - 9/30/2018 The Conclusion of Our Prayers - 10/14/2018 Belonging to Jesus: Comfort - 10/28/2018 Misery, Mirror of God's Law - 11/4/2018 The Depravity of Man - 11/25/2018 The Remedy of Man's Depravity - 12/2/2018 God's Justice and the Sinner - 12/9/2018 The Only Way of Salvation - 12/30/2018 Our Only Mediator - 1/6/2019 Saving Faith in Our Mediator - 1/13/2019 Believing in the Triune God - 1/20/2019 Believing in God the Father - 1/27/2019 Believing, God's Fatherly Hand - 2/3/2019 Believing in Jesus Our Savior - 2/10/2019 Believing in Christ, Our.. - 2/24/2019 Believing in Christ - 3/3/2019 Believing in Christ, Our King - 3/10/2019 Believing in Jesus, Our.. - 3/24/2019 Believing in Jesus, Our.. - 3/31/2019 Believing in Jesus, Our.. - 4/7/2019 Believing in Jesus, Our.. - 4/14/2019 Believing in Jesus, Our.. - 4/21/2019 Believing in Jesus, Our.. - 4/28/2019 Believing in Jesus, Savior - 5/5/2019 Believing in Jesus, Our.. - 5/19/2019 Believing in the Holy Spirit - 5/26/2019 Believing Holy Catholic Church - 6/23/2019 Believing Communion of Saints - 6/30/2019 Believing the Forgiveness.. - 7/7/2019 Believing the Resurrection.. - 7/14/2019 Believing in Life Everlasting - 7/21/2019 JUSTIFIED! Though My.. - 7/28/2019 Word of God: Means of Faith - 8/18/2019 Buried & Raised with Christ - 8/25/2019 The Biblical Practice of.. - 9/8/2019 The Lord's Supper - 9/22/2019 Eating and Drinking Christ.. - 9/29/2019 A Still Relevant Polemic - 10/6/2019 The Keys of the Kingdom of.. - 11/3/2019 The "Must" of Good Works - 11/10/2019 True (Heartfelt) Repentance - 11/24/2019 True Quickening - 12/1/2019 The Law and the Christian - 12/8/2019 First: Worship Jehovah Alone - 12/22/2019 Second: Worship Jehovah.. - 1/12/2020 Third: Sanctify Jehovah's Name - 2/2/2020 Swearing Religiously - 2/9/2020 Fifth: Honor Jehovah's.. - 4/5/2020 Sixth: Protect the Life.. - 4/19/2020 Seventh: Glorify Jehovah.. - 5/3/2020 Eighth: Serve Jehovah with.. - 5/10/2020 Ninth: Glorify Jehovah with.. - 5/17/2020 Tenth: Obey Jehovah with.. - 5/24/2020 Christian Prayer - 6/7/2020 Addressing Jehovah in Prayer - 6/14/2020 Praying Our Father's Name.. - 6/21/2020 Praying Our Father's.. - 6/28/2020 Praying Our Father's Will.. - 7/5/2020 Praying to Our Father for.. - 7/12/2020 Praying for Our Father's.. - 7/26/2020 Praying for Our Father's.. - 8/2/2020 Saying Amen - 8/23/2020 Our Only Comfort - 9/27/2020 Learning to Know Our Misery - 10/4/2020 Mankind's Miserable Ruin - 10/25/2020 The Unyielding Justice of a.. - 11/1/2020 Again Received into Favor - 11/22/2020 Our Mediator Between God.. - 11/29/2020 Saved Through Faith - 12/6/2020 I Believe in the One Triune.. - 12/27/2020 I Believe in God the Father.. - 1/3/2021 I Believe in the Providence.. - 1/31/2021 I Believe in Jesus the Only.. - 2/21/2021 I Believe in Christ,.. - 2/28/2021 I Believe in Jesus Christ,.. - 3/14/2021 The Christian Anointed as.. - 3/21/2021 I Believe in Christ, Our.. - 3/28/2021 The Priesthood of All.. - 4/11/2021 I Believe in Christ, Our.. - 4/18/2021 The Kingship of All Believers - 4/25/2021 God in Our Flesh - 6/13/2021 Christ's Matchless.. - 6/20/2021 Glorying in Christ's Cross - 7/4/2021 Christ's Resurrection - 7/11/2021 Christ's Ascension - 7/18/2021 Christ Sitting at Jehovah's.. - 8/1/2021 Awaiting the Final Wonders - 8/8/2021 I Believe in the Holy Spirit - 9/12/2021 Our Confession Concerning.. - 9/19/2021 Being a Lively.. - 9/26/2021 Our Comfort Concerning the.. - 10/3/2021 Everlasting Life - 10/24/2021 Justification: The Heart of.. - 10/31/2021 Experiencing Justification.. - 11/7/2021 The Proper Place and.. - 11/28/2021 Foolishness that Saves - 12/5/2021 Benefiting From Holy Baptism - 12/12/2021 Why Infants Ought to be.. - 12/19/2021 The Holy Supper of Our Lord - 12/26/2021 Keeping the Lord's Supper Pure - 1/9/2022 Christ's Keys - 1/16/2022 Why Do Good Works? - 1/23/2022 The True Conversion of Man - 1/30/2022 Worship by the Book (1) - 2/27/2022 Worship by the Book (2) - 3/13/2022 The Command Concerning.. - 3/20/2022 Honoring God's Name with.. - 3/27/2022 The Sabbath Day - 4/3/2022 Keeping the Sabbath Day - 4/10/2022 God's Command Concerning.. - 4/24/2022 God's Command Concerning.. - 5/1/2022 Possessing Your Vessel in.. - 5/8/2022 God's Command Concerning.. - 5/29/2022 Father's Word About Our Words - 6/12/2022 A Law Like No Other - 6/19/2022 My Only Comfort - 10/23/2022 The Ingredients of True Happ.. - 11/20/2022 Learning From God's Law - 11/27/2022 God Created Man Good - 12/4/2022 Mankind's Fall Into Sin - 12/18/2022 Total Depravity - 1/22/2023 Righteous in His Judgment - 1/29/2023 The Only Way - 2/5/2023 The God Given Mediator - 2/26/2023 God's Gift of Saving Faith - 3/5/2023 The Holy Trinity - 3/12/2023 God the Father - 3/19/2023 Jesus - 4/16/2023 Christ - 4/23/2023 Christian - 5/14/2023 Only Begotten Son of God - 6/4/2023 L O R D - 6/11/2023 The Marvel of the Incarnation - 6/18/2023 He Suffered - 6/25/2023 Dead and Buried: He Descende.. - 7/16/2023 The Profit of Christ's Resur.. - 7/23/2023 He Ascended Into Heaven - 7/30/2023 Seated at God's Right Hand - 8/6/2023 The Return of Our Savior-Judge - 8/20/2023 The Holy Spirit - 8/27/2023 The Church of Christ - 9/3/2023 The Communion of Christ's Sa.. - 9/10/2023 The Forgiveness of Sins - 9/17/2023 The Sure Resurrection of Thi.. - 9/24/2023 Justified By Faith Along - 10/15/2023 God's Chosen Means to Build.. - 10/29/2023 The Visible Word of Baptism - 11/5/2023 Celebrating the Lord's Supper - 11/12/2023 Guarding the Lord's Table - 11/19/2023 The Key Power of Gospel Prea.. - 11/26/2023 The Key Power of Gospel Disc.. - 12/3/2023 A Full Salvation - 12/17/2023 God's Saving Work and the Ch.. - 12/24/2023 Converted, Yet Converting - 1/21/2024 God's Will For Worship - 2/4/2024 God's Sabbath: Made For Man.. - 3/3/2024 Authority According to Scrip.. - 4/7/2024 Getting at the Heart of Murder - 4/21/2024 God's Will for Purity and Fi.. - 4/28/2024 The Christian View of Things - 5/5/2024 The Command to Control Your.. - 5/26/2024 The All Encompassing Command.. - 6/2/2024 The Necessity of Praying Wit.. - 6/16/2024 The Makings of True Prayer - 6/23/2024 Calling Upon Our Father - 7/7/2024 The First Petition: For God'.. - 7/14/2024 The Second Petition: For God.. - 7/21/2024 The Third Petition: For God'.. - 7/28/2024 The Fourth Petition: For Bread - 8/4/2024 The Fifth Petition: For Forg.. - 8/18/2024 The Sixth Petition: For Tota.. - 9/1/2024
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Genti (1/1/2011)from eastern europe, Albania
Rev. Daniel Holstege is currently the pastor of the Wingham Protestant Reformed Church in the province of Ontario, Canada. Previously he served as the pastor of First PRC of Holland, Michigan in the U.S. (2010-2016) and as a foreign missionary to the Philippines (2016-2021).
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