This sermon exposes the fact that the battle against "good" and "evil" in the Star Wars films is really the battle between Biblical Christianity and Eastern Mystical Pantheism. The Force is a Theosophical, Luciferian, occult concept. It is symbolized by the pagan god Jupiter and the Satanic, androgynous Baphomet. It is the balance of male/female "energy" that is behind the homosexual, androgynous movement today. The Force is Lucifer and this sermon proves it.
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Resistance: Rebellion Against The First Order Sadly, the sequel Star Wars trilogy has followed the same example of sinful rebellion as the original Star Wars trilogy did. Vain imaginary stories about freedom fighters (rebels) toppling even oppressive tyrannical government as seen in the Star Wars stories are really stories about the coming antichrist, since the antichrist will come as a freedom fighter. The sequel Star Wars trilogy has demonstrated the same antichrist spirit by having the "heroes" call the Resistance revolt against the "villains" called the First Order. We know that Lucifer and his fallen angels resisted The First Order of The Lord when they rebelled against Abba Father, Jesus The Son, and The Holy Spirit. In The Book of Revelation, Satan the dragon, the antichrist beast, and the false prophet will rebel and lead a rebellion against the First Order of Abba Father, Jesus The Son, and The Holy Spirit. We ought to remember Revelation 16, Revelation 17, Revelation 18, Revelation 19, and Revelation 20 since such rebellion against The Lord's First Order will be punished. This sermon shows why we must not rebel against The Lord's First Order since Abba Father, Jesus The Son, and The Holy Spirit established Their First Order of Righteousness.
Anonymous Name (6/11/2020)
Gog and Magog: Satan's Rebel Soldiers Gog and Magog are spoken of in Revelation 20:7-9. As we know, Gog and Magog are Satan's rebel soldiers whose number is as the sand of the sea. We also realize that Gog and Magog will be engulfed by fire from Heaven as punishment for their rebellion. There was also a previous battle in Revelation 19:11-21 which was the Battle of Armageddon in which the rebel soldiers of the antichrist beast and the false prophet were slain as punishment for their rebellion. In similar manner, the rebel soldiers of Satan called Gog and Magog were also slain by fire from Heaven. The result is that Satan the dragon is cast into eternal torment in The Lake of Fire where the antichrist beast and false prophet are as noted in Revelation 20:10. Then comes The Great White Throne Judgment were those who died in their sins are judged and cast into The Lake of Fire in Revelation 20:11-15. All of this means that the rebel soldiers of the antichrist beast and the false prophet as well as Satan's rebel soldiers called Gog and Magog will be cast into eternal torment in The Lake of Fire. This sermon shows that Righteous Rule always suppresses rebellion.
Anonymous Name (6/9/2020)
Rebel Soldiers Slain in The Battle of Armageddon In Revelation 19:11-21, it speaks of The Battle of Armageddon. In Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, which was released on 16 December, 2016, there is a scene which depicts Darth Vader slaying rebel soldiers in a battle. The problem with Rogue One and all other Star Wars movies is that it pictures the rebels as the "heroes." As stated with The Battle of Armageddon, Jesus will ride on The White Horse and He will slay the rebel soldiers of the antichrist beast and the false prophet after the antichrist beast and the false prophet are cast into The Lake of Fire as punishment for their rebellion. After the rebel soldiers of the beast and the false prophet are slain, their flesh is scavenged upon by the birds of the air. This sermon is a reminder that Abba Father, Jesus The Son, and The Holy Spirit have indicted Satan the dragon, the antichrist beast, the false prophet, and all of their rebel soldiers. All of those rebel soldiers of the beast and the false prophet will be cast into The Lake of Fire for all eternity as punishment for siding with the three rebels known as Satan the dragon, the antichrist beast, and the false prophet. A sermon like this is an indictment against rebellion, even if such Satanic rebellion is painted as "liberation."
Anonymous Name (4/23/2020)
Satan: The Founder of The First Rebel Alliance It is rather appalling how the Star Wars media refers to the heroes as the "Rebel Alliance." As we know, the founder of the first rebel alliance was Satan himself with 1/3 of the fallen angels joining his rebel alliance. In The Book of Revelation, we know that the dragon (Satan), the beast (the Antichrist), and the false prophet will form a rebel alliance with the people of the world against Abba Father, Jesus The Son, and The Holy Spirit. Of course, those who join the rebel alliance of the dragon, the beast, and the false prophet will be tormented in The Lake of Fire for all eternity. This same rebel alliance will also include the apostate church of Revelation 17:1-18. Worth noting Revelation 18, Revelation 19, and Revelation 20. Thanks be to Our Lord that he will obliterate this rebel alliance and that His Righteous Rule will last forever.
Anonymous Name (2/23/2020)
Lucifer: The Original Rebel Scum In the imaginary Star Wars universe, the "heroes" are referred to as rebels, especially since the Empire in the imaginary Star Wars stories refers to the rebels as rebel scum. As Bible believers, we know that Lucifer and his fallen angels were the original rebel scum. We ought to remember Isaiah 14:12-15 in times were the sin of rebellion is highly esteemed. This sermon shows that Lucifer (Satan), the Antichrist, the False Prophet, and the fallen angels were the original rebel scum. The Book of Revelation warns us that Satan the Dragon, the Antichrist Beast, and the False Prophet (also an antichrist) will unite the world in rebellion against The Father, The Son, and The Holy Ghost. Very helpful sermon in times like these.
Anonymous Name (6/24/2019)
Star Wars: Popularized Eastern Mysticism This sermon shows that Star Wars media was instrumental in making Eastern mysticism popular with the public. Currently, Star Wars is now property of the Disney Company, especially given that the Disney Company produces media rooted in both humanism and occultism alike. Could this mean that Star Wars media is a vehicle used by Disney for popularizing Eastern mysticism with its concept of "the Force?" It appears to be so.
Anonymous Name (6/12/2019)
The Make Believe 'Force' of Star Wars A sermon examining the make believe "force" of Star Wars. While Star Wars appears to have an outstanding musical score which was the work of John Williams, the real problem with Star Wars is that it is rooted in a pantheistic philosophy.
alana (12/20/2015)
Great Sermon! interesting sermon! God bless you and thank you for this message!
Joey Faust was born in Columbia, SC. He spent his early childhood years in rural Blythewood (where his family on his father's side had for generations, been members of the Baptist church there). As an early teen, he spent his summers as an equestrian counselor for the YMCA's...