Darren Clarke | Crich, Derbyshire, U.K.
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Speaker: Walter Johnston
40 sermons
Intro to The Book of Ruth (3)
The Book of Ruth is a short book, telling the remarkable story of a Moabite girl, who became the Great Grandmother of King David, and an ancestor in the genealogical line of The Lord Jesus. In this third occasional sermon in the series, we learn how Ruth is led by the providence of God, to the one who will become a redeemer to her.
>The Biblical View of Death - 11/11/2001 Forgetting God - 2/17/2002 Texts but No Tears - 2/17/2002 Enlarging Our Coast - 8/14/2005 Being a Christian - 7/1/2007 The Blessed Virgin Mary - 11/18/2007 The Saving Work of Christ - 11/18/2007 What God Requires of Us - 9/16/2008 Called Out of Sin - 11/16/2008 A Willing Sacrifice - 11/16/2008 Death of Christ & Salvation - 11/15/2009 The Sacrifice of Christ - 11/15/2009 Faith Under Adversity - 5/16/2010 Too Late - The Gate is Closed - 5/16/2010 Gallery of Faith - Abraham - 11/21/2010 Perseverance & New Beginnings - 11/21/2010 Assurance of Salvation - 6/26/2011 A Purpose in Suffering - 6/26/2011 Your First Love - 8/7/2011 Faith Tested - The Dead Raised - 8/14/2011 Love - A New Commandment - 8/14/2011 Prayer - Five Vital Lessons - 8/21/2011 The God That Answers by Fire - 8/21/2011 Jacob's Awesome Dream - 8/28/2011 Satan Hath Desired to Have You - 8/28/2011 Encouragement for the Faithful - 9/11/2011 Apostle's Creed - Jesus Christ - 11/6/2011 Apostle's Creed - Conception - 11/6/2011 Commendation or Condemnation? - 11/20/2011 Hold Fast Till He Comes - 11/27/2011 Conflict Between Law and Grace - 1/29/2012 The Gospel of Jesus Christ - 8/12/2012 Two Kinds of Kingdom - 8/12/2012 The Question All Must Answer - 8/19/2012 Slipped, but Brought Back - 8/19/2012 The Natures of God and of Man - 10/7/2012 Seek Out the True God - 10/28/2012 Be Ready, Be Prepared - 10/28/2012 What is a Church? - One Body - 1/27/2013 It's Not Just New Wine - 4/21/2013 Adoption - No Longer a Slave - 4/21/2013 The Conversion of Jacob - 5/12/2013 What Kind of Ground Are You? - 5/12/2013 True Reasons for Rejoicing - 10/20/2013 The Incarnation & The Cross - 10/20/2013 A Medicine to Meet Our Needs - 3/2/2014 Peace - Promised & Assured - 3/2/2014 Come, Let Us Reason Together - 5/11/2014 Living Stones of God's Temple - 5/11/2014 Whenever I am Afraid - 6/8/2014 God's Case Against His People - 10/26/2014 Jesus - The Good Shepherd - 10/26/2014 Walking With God - 1/18/2015 Doing What God Requires - 2/22/2015 The Place - 5/14/2015 The Unfailing God - 5/17/2015 The True Christian's Rest (1) - 5/17/2015 Special Grace - 6/14/2015 Jesus - The Bringer of Grace - 6/14/2015 The Psalmist's Gospel Sermon - 8/30/2015 The Blessings of Obedience - 8/30/2015 The True Christian's Rest (2) - 9/6/2015 The Rushing Mighty Wind - 9/20/2015 Christ - Our Sure Foundation - 9/27/2015 Secret of the Burning Heart - 9/27/2015 The Holy Spirit's Outpouring - 10/11/2015 No Condemnation - 10/11/2015 Paul's Perspective on Life - 10/18/2015 The Lad that Dropped Off - 10/18/2015 Blessed are the Merciful - 10/25/2015 Reformed Understanding of Sin - 10/25/2015 Will You Be Obedient? - 11/1/2015 Watch, Stand Fast, Be Strong - 11/8/2015 Do Not Worry - 11/8/2015 Bartimaeus - Meeting His Need - 11/15/2015 A Prescription for the Problem - 11/15/2015 An Introduction to 1 John - 11/22/2015 Encouragement & Warnings - 11/22/2015 Daniel - A Jew in Babylon - 11/29/2015 The Ungodly and Blessed Man - 11/29/2015 Are You Christ Tell Us Plainly - 12/6/2015 We Would See Jesus - 12/6/2015 The Assurance of His Presence - 1/24/2016 The Greatest Gift - 2/28/2016 Intro to The Book of Ruth (1) - 4/10/2016 Intro to the Book of Ruth (2) - 4/10/2016 The Trials of Poverty & Riches - 6/5/2016 Qualifications for Glory - 6/5/2016 Intro to The Book of Ruth (3) - 6/19/2016 Intro to the Book of Ruth (4) - 6/19/2016 He First Loved Us - 8/7/2016 The First Miracle of Jesus - 8/7/2016 What Wilt Thou Have Me to Do? - 8/21/2016 Fear Not Little Flock - 10/9/2016 Unbelief & The Devil's Malice - 10/9/2016 Faith Tested - 10/16/2016 Faith Tried & Triumphant - 10/16/2016 The Life-Giving Words of Jesus - 11/20/2016 The True Vine - 12/4/2016 Why Christmas, Christ, Cross - 12/4/2016 This is a Faithful Saying - 3/12/2017 The Greatest Question - 4/14/2017 Being Formed for Fruitfulness - 4/30/2017 Humble Boldness - 4/30/2017 The Blessing of Inheritance - 7/6/2017 Moses - A Chosen Vessel - 7/16/2017 Intro to the Book of Ruth (5) - 8/6/2017 Intro to the Book of Ruth (6) - 8/6/2017 Know Error, Confirm the Truth - 8/13/2017 Herein is Love - 8/13/2017 Only One Perfect King - 8/27/2017 Prayer & Action in Habakkuk - 9/17/2017 Habakkuk - From Fear to Faith - 9/17/2017 The Advance of the Gospel - 9/24/2017 Pressing on Towards the Prize - 9/24/2017 Watch and Be Ready - 10/22/2017 You Must Be Born Again - 5/13/2018 Water Turned Into Wine - 5/13/2018 From Temptation to the Gospel - 10/21/2018 Jude on False Teachers - 10/21/2018 Behold the Lamb of God - 12/2/2018 Thus Saith The Lord - 12/2/2018 God's Promises - 2/17/2019 Perseverance & Freedom - 3/3/2019 Seeking that which was Lost - 5/26/2019 Idolatry - The Enemy of Faith - 7/7/2019 David's Trial & Testing - 7/7/2019 A Call to Unity - 8/4/2019 A Life Lived Without God - 8/4/2019 Response to a Growing Conflict - 8/11/2019 The Pressure to Conform - 8/11/2019 Who Shall Go Up For Us? - 8/18/2019 Who Are You Following? - 8/18/2019 We Ought Always to Pray - 8/25/2019 The Intense Prayer of Jabez - 11/24/2019 Pay Attention - 11/24/2019 He Came and Preached Peace - 1/26/2020 Watch Your Ways - 1/26/2020 Christ Laying Hold of Me - 3/8/2020 Lazarus Come Forth - 3/8/2020 Being Eager to Meet Again - 6/7/2020 Almost Persuaded - 6/21/2020 Now a Beloved Brother - 8/16/2020 The Gospel, Sufferings & Glory - 8/16/2020 Christ Jesus Has Paid Our Debt - 8/23/2020 Great Promises for Dwellers - 8/23/2020 How Then Can We Believe? - 10/25/2020 Stand Firm - 11/1/2020 Christ, The Living Water - 11/1/2020 Christ - Central to Everything - 2/14/2021 The Gospel Comes with Power - 4/25/2021 Coming Short of God's Glory - 4/25/2021 Starting with Prayer - 5/16/2021 Behold the Lamb of God - 5/23/2021 The Righteous King and Judge - 5/23/2021 Different Kinds of Trouble - 6/13/2021 Being a Witness for Christ - 6/13/2021 The Voice of Coronavirus - 6/20/2021 The Abounding Grace of God - 6/27/2021 Looking at the Unseen Things - 6/27/2021 The Ten Lepers - 8/1/2021 Daniel Pleads for His People - 8/1/2021 What Are You Doing on Earth? - 8/15/2021 The Greatest Man Who Lived - 8/15/2021 Mephibosheth's Journey - 8/22/2021 You Must Be Born Again - 8/22/2021 Jacob Wrestling with God - 8/29/2021 Jesus - The Bread of Life - 8/29/2021 Christ Became a Curse for Us - 11/7/2021 The Thunderstorm Psalm - 11/7/2021 Confidence - 11/21/2021 For the Joy Set Before Him - 11/28/2021 A Gospel of Substance Not Myth - 12/5/2021 The Suffering Servant - 12/12/2021 What is God's Will for My Life - 1/23/2022 The Gospel is Not Chained - 1/23/2022 The Gospel in Two Short Words - 2/20/2022 The Lord's Pity - 2/27/2022 Healed by His Stripes - 2/27/2022 Saving Faith - 3/6/2022 Death and Judgement - 3/13/2022 You Did Not Choose Me - 3/20/2022 You Killed the Prince of Life - 4/10/2022 Blessings of Christ's Reign - 4/10/2022 The Rich Man and Lazarus - 4/17/2022 Jesus Opened Our Eyes - 5/8/2022 Conditions of Spiritual Power - 6/12/2022 The Love of Christ Compels Us - 6/19/2022 The Beginning of Wisdom - 6/19/2022 Keeping Your Heart - 7/10/2022 I Am Not Ashamed of the Gospel - 7/10/2022 The Glory of the New Covenant - 8/14/2022 The Impact of the New Covenant - 8/14/2022 The Greatness of Christ - 8/21/2022 The Past, Present and Future - 8/21/2022 Assurance of Our Salvation - 9/11/2022 We Are His Workmanship - 10/23/2022 The Hope We Have in Christ - 11/13/2022 God's Joy - 11/27/2022 The Preservation of the Saints - 12/11/2022 What Is Your Hope? - 2/12/2023 By This We May Know Love - 2/12/2023 Mary's Song - The Magnificat - 2/26/2023 The Potter and the Clay - 2/26/2023 Are You Able To Bless God? - 3/12/2023 Blessed is the Man - 4/16/2023 Salvation is of the Triune God - 4/16/2023 The Way To True Blessedness - 5/14/2023 Putting Christ Back on the Map - 12/17/2023 The Church Was Prospering - 1/14/2024 As Was His Custom - 2/4/2024 Jesus - Preaching God's Word - 2/4/2024 Hope That Comes with a Promise - 2/11/2024 Lift up Our Souls to the Lord - 2/11/2024 A Message to the Exiles (1) - 2/25/2024 The Wicked Sons of Eli - 2/25/2024 Paul's Great Dilemma - 3/3/2024 A Message to the Exiles (2) - 3/10/2024 The Beauty of the Lord - 3/10/2024 A Message to the Exiles (3) - 3/17/2024 Branches of Palms - 3/24/2024 The Cross - Our Response - 3/24/2024 The Gospel in Miniature - 4/14/2024 Privileges and Realities - 4/28/2024 A Sinful Woman and a Meal - 4/28/2024 Building the Body of Christ - 5/19/2024 Fear the Lord - 5/21/2024 Release Unto Us Barabbas - 6/9/2024 Reasons To Praise Him - 6/16/2024 The Assurance of Our Salvation - 6/16/2024 Remember and Be Thankful - 7/7/2024 Our God: One, Two, Three - 7/7/2024 The King and His Reign - 7/14/2024 Parable of the Prodigal Son - 7/21/2024 Help With Temptation - 7/21/2024 David's Trust in God - 8/18/2024 The Need of the Thirsty Soul - 8/18/2024 God Is Light - 10/20/2024 The Life of Faith - 10/20/2024 Running the Race - 11/3/2024 Righteousness of God Revealed - 1/12/2025 After Calvary - 2/12/2025
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