Joel Ellis | Mesa, Arizona
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Speaker: Charlie Perkins
583 sermons
The Churches Were Multiplied, Walking In The Fear Of The Lord
>Thinking Biblically - Abortion - 9/27/2015 Ephesians 2:1-10 - 10/25/2015 Making God-Honoring Decisions - 11/1/2015 Psalm 33 - 11/15/2015 Psalm 119:97-104 - 12/27/2015 A More Disciplined Prayer Life - 1/3/2016 'For Auld Lang Syne?' - 1/10/2016 He, Himself, Is Our Peace - 2/14/2016 Trusting God When Life Hurts - 2/21/2016 Jesus' Resurrection - 3/27/2016 1 Kings 17:1-24 - 4/10/2016 Acts 2:36-47 - 4/10/2016 1 Samuel 11 - 4/17/2016 Deuteronomy 29-30 - 4/24/2016 Habakkuk - 5/8/2016 John 16:33 - 5/8/2016 Ascension & Session of Christ - 5/29/2016 Nadab and Abihu (Lev. 10) - 6/10/2016 Paul and Dual-Citizenship - 6/12/2016 Learning to Pray the Psalter - 6/19/2016 Numbers 11 - 6/22/2016 1 Samuel - David and Goliath - 6/26/2016 Matthew 11:1-6 - Honest Doubt - 6/26/2016 Miriam and Aaron Oppose Moses - 6/29/2016 Numbers 13-14 - 7/6/2016 A Tale of Two People - 7/31/2016 Simple, Sophisticated Gospel - 8/7/2016 Matthew 7:12; 22:35-40 - 8/21/2016 Jerusalem in Two Stories - 8/28/2016 Moral and Doctrinal Challenges - 8/28/2016 Habakkuk 3:1-19 - 9/4/2016 Psalm 109 - 9/11/2016 The Book of Deuteronomy - 9/14/2016 Exodus 19 - 9/18/2016 Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 - 9/18/2016 Ephesians 1:18-23 - 10/9/2016 2 Peter 1:1-4 - 10/9/2016 Genesis 23 - The Possession - 10/29/2016 Faith of Our Fathers - 10/30/2016 Citizens of Heaven - 10/30/2016 Why I Identify with the OPC - 10/30/2016 Ephesians 4:1-6 - 11/6/2016 God's Provision in Mara - 11/13/2016 Overcoming Anxiety - 11/13/2016 Ephesians 2:8-10 - 11/20/2016 Mark 5:21-43 - 11/20/2016 Acts 9:31 - 11/27/2016 Acts 9:31 - 11/27/2016 Luke 1:26-38 - Advent 2016 #1 - 12/4/2016 Luke 1:39-45 - Advent 2016 #2 - 12/11/2016 Luke 1:46-56 - Advent 2016 #3 - 12/18/2016 Luke 2:1-39 - Advent 2016 #4 - 12/25/2016 Where Do the Wise Travel To? - 1/15/2017 1 Tim. 3:14-16 - 1/22/2017 Rivers of Living Water - 1/29/2017 Who Is Jesus? - 1/29/2017 Ephesians 2:11-19 - 2/12/2017 2 Peter 11:16-21 - 2/12/2017 Overview of Church Discipline - 2/26/2017 Hebrews 11 - 4/12/2017 The Ressurection Life - 4/16/2017 2 Thess 3:14-15 - 5/7/2017 Office and Work of Deacons - 5/28/2017 Ephesians 2:19-22 - 6/4/2017 Ephesians 3:1-13 - 6/4/2017 Deacons - Part 2 - 6/11/2017 Deacons - Part 3 - 6/18/2017 Ephesians 3:14-21 - 6/25/2017 Ephesians 5:15-21 - 6/25/2017 Psalm 63 - Waiting On God - 7/30/2017 Discipline: Excommunication - 10/1/2017 How To Read Romans - 10/22/2017 Before The Eyes Of The Lord - 10/23/2017 Little Faith, Deliverance - 12/3/2017 Christmas & Message of Cross - 12/24/2017 Forgetting What Lies Behind - 12/31/2017 Two - Not One - 12/31/2017 Peace Through Prayer & Praise - 1/7/2018 Foolishness, Practical Atheism - 1/14/2018 Fishing, Fear, and Faith - 1/14/2018 Who may Dwell:God's Holy Hill? - 1/21/2018 Christ's Victory, Saints' Joy - 1/28/2018 No Resurrection, Justification - 4/1/2018 Paul, Felix, and Drucilla - 4/29/2018 Don't Waste Your Baptism - 6/3/2018 Christian Growth - Part 1 - 7/15/2018 Christian Growth - Part 2 - 7/15/2018 Christian Growth - Part 3 - 7/22/2018 Christian Growth - Part 4 - 7/22/2018 Power of Christ to Forgive Sin - 8/5/2018 The Lord's Prayer - Lecture 1 - 10/13/2018 The Lord's Prayer - Lecture 2 - 10/14/2018 The Lord's Prayer - Lecture 3 - 10/14/2018 The Lord's Prayer - Lecture 4 - 10/14/2018 The Mystery of the Incarnation - 12/2/2018 The Spirit of Pharisaism - 12/2/2018 The Matter of the Incarnation - 12/9/2018 The Majesty of the Incarnation - 12/23/2018 The Moment of the Incarnation - 12/23/2018 God Has a Wonderful Plan - 12/30/2018 "New" about New Covenant? - 1/27/2019 Called to (Full) Communion - 2/3/2019 My Journey Out of Deception - 2/10/2019 Jesus on Sovereign Election - 2/10/2019 Paul on Sovereign Election - 2/10/2019 A Few Good Men - 2/17/2019 Role of Reading in Life - 2/24/2019 Ministry of Evangelism - 3/13/2019 The Spiritual Necessity of.. - 4/21/2019 Promise of Discipleship - 5/12/2019 Christians be Philosophers? - 6/5/2019 Grace in Midst of Waywardness - 6/9/2019 Not Ashamed of the Gospel - 6/9/2019 The Preeminence of Christ - 6/30/2019 Unity Amongst Brothers - 6/30/2019 The Headship of Christ - 7/17/2019 The Angel of Yahweh in the OT - 7/28/2019 Christ: The Beginning. The.. - 8/4/2019 Reconciliation in Christ - 8/11/2019 My Father's House - 9/29/2019 Our Obligation to Reformation - 10/20/2019 John Calvin's Advice on.. - 11/10/2019 A Servant of Christ - 11/10/2019 Save Me, Oh My God! - 11/10/2019 Reformation History - 11/13/2019 Bright Hope for Tomorrow - 11/17/2019 The God Who Carries His People - 11/24/2019 Caring for the Church of God - 12/1/2019 Looking for Jesus - 12/1/2019 Attributes of God - 12/8/2019 God's "Yes" and Our "Amen" - 12/8/2019 The Fragrance of the.. - 12/8/2019 The Reign of David's Son - 12/22/2019 Christmas Eve 2019 - 12/24/2019 The Mystery of Contentment - 2/16/2020 Trusting on "God Raises the.. - 2/16/2020 Transformed Into the Same.. - 2/16/2020 Two Types of Legalists - 2/23/2020 A Practical Study in.. - 3/1/2020 The Casting Out of Satan - 3/8/2020 It Was Borrowed - 3/16/2020 A Hymn of Faith in Disaster - 3/22/2020 Seeking Help from the Lord.. - 3/29/2020 You Are Complete in Him - 4/5/2020 Alive in Christ Who Lives.. - 4/12/2020 Why Some Christians Fall Away - 4/19/2020 Blessed is the Forgiven Man - 4/26/2020 The Security of a Penitent Son - 5/3/2020 Withdraw From the.. - 5/24/2020 Free Indeed - 9/13/2020 Our Identity and Value in.. - 10/11/2020 The Drink Offering - 10/11/2020 The Unshakable Kingdom - 11/1/2020 Man's Proud Words, God's.. - 11/8/2020 Calm and Contented,.. - 11/15/2020 The Work of a Worshipping Life - 11/22/2020 Lessons from Uzzah and the Ark - 11/29/2020 Christmas and the Myth of.. - 12/6/2020 Christmas and the Failure.. - 12/13/2020 Christmas and the Fall of.. - 12/20/2020 How to Rejoice in Pain - 12/20/2020 Waiting for the Salvation.. - 12/24/2020 Contemplating Our Hope in.. - 12/27/2020 Two Models of Kingdom.. - 12/27/2020 Mercy - 1/3/2021 Devotedly Yours - 1/3/2021 Elect Exiles - 2/7/2021 Ordination and the Laying.. - 2/14/2021 A Cause Worth Living and.. - 2/21/2021 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 - 3/7/2021 Revelation 12:7-12 - 3/7/2021 The God Who Knows His Way.. - 4/4/2021 Voices Beyond the Grave - 4/18/2021 Thinking Christianly About.. - 4/25/2021 An Optimistic Eschatology - 5/30/2021 The Gospel of the Kingdom.. - 6/6/2021 Look to Jesus who can turn.. - 6/13/2021 The Savior of the World - 6/20/2021 Blessing the Poor in Spirit - 7/11/2021 The Wicked Surround the.. - 7/11/2021 Kingdom Prayer - 8/8/2021 Cut to the Heart - 8/15/2021 The Faith of the Canaanite.. - 9/5/2021 God's Sovereign Decree - 9/12/2021 Reformed Catholicity - Part.. - 9/22/2021 Reformed Catholicity - Part.. - 9/29/2021 "Party Spirit's in Christ's.. - 10/3/2021 Reformed Catholicity - Part.. - 10/6/2021 The Christian's Conflict - 10/10/2021 Blessing God - 10/17/2021 Withstanding in the Evil Day - 10/24/2021 The Obedience of Faith - 11/7/2021 A Tale of 3 Prophets - 11/14/2021 Spiritual Armor for.. - 11/21/2021 Intercession - 12/1/2021 The Why of Christmas - 1/2/2022 Evening Devotional - 1/9/2022 Double Imputation and the.. - 1/16/2022 1 John 1:5-10 - 1/16/2022 Galatians 6:11-16 - 1/16/2022 Thinking Christianly - 1/23/2022 Bringing Children to Christ - 1/30/2022 God's Righteous Standard - 1/30/2022 Faith's Experience or.. - 2/20/2022 The Firstborn from the Dead - 4/17/2022 Four Types of Hearers - 4/24/2022 A Sinner Seeking God - 5/8/2022 King Jesus Rules - 5/8/2022 Christ's Prayer for His Church - 6/12/2022 God Works in the Christian.. - 6/12/2022 The Nature of Christain.. - 7/17/2022 The Implications of Our Peace - 8/14/2022 Saved in Hope of Glory - 10/16/2022 Our Only and Continual Comfort - 1/1/2023 Grace, Peace and Comfort - 1/15/2023 Weak Faith Sustained - 1/15/2023 Jesus Walking on the Water - 2/5/2023 A Demon Possessed Man Healed - 2/19/2023 Overview of Philemon - 3/15/2023 Our Mission - 3/19/2023 Living Waters - 4/9/2023 Two Ways of Coming to Christ - 4/16/2023 Christ, The Sinner's Well - 4/30/2023 A Thousand Generation Project - 5/14/2023 God's Universal Praise - 6/4/2023 The Natural and Necessary Re.. - 6/11/2023 The Life of Confession - 6/25/2023 Christ the Sinner's Salvation - 7/2/2023 The Saints' First Calling an.. - 7/9/2023 Christ's Cosmic Salvation - 7/16/2023 Duty of Love - 7/30/2023 Living in the Covenant - 9/10/2023 Already, But Wait... There's.. - 9/17/2023 Who is Sound? - 10/1/2023 Six Principles of Presbyteri.. - 10/15/2023 Christ All-Sufficient - 10/15/2023 The Rare Jewel of Christian.. - 10/16/2023 The Necessity and Goodness o.. - 10/29/2023 God's Saving Judgment: Refle.. - 11/29/2023 Biblical Peacemaking: A Work.. - 12/13/2023 In Remembrance of His Mercy - 12/24/2023 Work and Sabbath - 12/31/2023 Marks of the Early Church - 1/7/2024 Apostolic Missionary Work - 1/14/2024 Crumbs from the Master's Table - 1/21/2024 Christ's Remedy for Fear - 1/28/2024 The Sabbath Question - 2/4/2024 The Lesser and Greater Joseph - 2/11/2024 Raising Saints - 2/25/2024 The Life-Giving Word - 3/3/2024 Rumors of Heresy - 3/17/2024 A Simple Confession - 3/24/2024 Jesus in the Day of Atonemen.. - 3/29/2024 A Religion of Resurrection - 3/31/2024 The Good Shepherd - 3/31/2024 A Life of Prayer - 4/3/2024 A Meditation Upon Creation - 4/14/2024 The Battle Hymns of the Church - 4/14/2024 Rowdy (But Not Rebellious) R.. - 4/21/2024 Behold, The Ascended Lord! - 5/12/2024 The Messiah's Harvest - 5/19/2024 The Light of Love - 6/16/2024 Encouragement for the Whole.. - 6/23/2024 Two Antithetical Laws - 8/4/2024 Antichrists Revealed - 8/11/2024 Continue in Spite of Opposit.. - 8/11/2024 Christ vs. Chaos - 10/6/2024 The Medicine of a Merry Heart - 10/13/2024 My Chosen Portion and My Cup - 10/27/2024 The Continuing Relevance of.. - 10/27/2024 Bought With the Blood of Chr.. - 11/10/2024 Holy Protection, Reverent Ab.. - 11/17/2024 The Angels See the Witness o.. - 11/24/2024 Mother, Dragon, and King - 12/15/2024
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Charlie Perkins
Acts 9:31 Special Topics Reformation PC
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