James Guyo | Columbus, Ohio
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Speaker: James Guyo
550 sermons
CC # 141 The King's Son-in-Law 1 Sam 18
Today's gospel instalment: 11/27/2022 Message Title: 1. The king's Son-in-Law, 2. A poor and lightly esteemed Man Text : 1 Samuel 18 1. Gospel testimony in the Old Testament is glorious, but hidden in types and shadows. 2. And without a proper hermeneutic (Christ centered way of reading it) it remains as just some stories packed with a lot of moralistic teaching. 3. In the story of David, Goliath and king Saul we have wonderful testimony of what it is God requires for salvation (union and representation from the ONE MAN). 4. In other words, what He stipulated should happen to Christ for Him to get the church, the King's daughter. 5. Many who preach have yet to understand the exclusivity of Christ in the matter of the church's standing before God. 6. The church was given to Christ on condition that He would die to redeem it. 7. And so, we saw King Saul saying the same to David, that he would only get his daughter Michal on condition that he defeat and kill Goliath and would bring 100 foreskins of the Philistines. 8. You must listen to the whole message to get all the details to see the puzzle pieces come together. 9. God be praised for revealing His gospel truth. AMEN
>CC#1 Priest defiled, relatives - 5/31/2013 CC#3 Participation in Passover - 10/11/2014 CC#5 give us barabbas - 10/11/2014 CC#6 Jesus, Cross, pt 1 - 11/2/2014 BSGCC#7 Jesus, Cross? pt 2 - 12/1/2014 CC#4 Blood of the New Covenant - 12/24/2014 CC#42 Christ accomplish cross - 1/4/2015 CC # 10 Wounds from My Friends - 3/8/2015 CC # 11 The sign of Jonah - 4/4/2015 CC# 12 Who Shall Condemn - 4/5/2015 CC # 13 Older Serve Younger - 5/3/2015 CC # 14 Mystery of Golden Mice - 6/7/2015 CC # 15 Law of Cleansing Leper - 7/5/2015 CC # 16 The city of refuge - 8/9/2015 CC # 19 Judah, Tamar & Gospel - 10/25/2015 CC # 21 The Gospel & Pig duty - 12/13/2015 CC # 22 Holy food & the Gospel - 1/3/2016 CC # 23 Blood makes atonement - 2/7/2016 CC # 24 Who shall intercede - 3/6/2016 CC # 26 Joseph of Aramathea - 5/1/2016 CC # 27 Shall not see my face - 6/12/2016 CC # 9 Your Son shall die - 6/12/2016 CC # 28 The Horn of Salvation - 7/3/2016 CC # 29 Water from the Rock - 8/7/2016 CC # 30 Will go with this man? - 9/11/2016 CC # 31 In cave with the King - 10/2/2016 CC # 32 Eating Holy Bread 1 - 11/13/2016 CC # 33 Eating Holy Bread 2 - 12/4/2016 CC # 34 Foolishness of cross - 12/11/2016 On him they laid the cross - 1/1/2017 #102 For this purpose I came,1 - 1/15/2017 CC# 39 The bronze serpent.. - 4/5/2017 The gospel according to.. - 4/11/2017 CC # 41 Gospel according to.. - 4/16/2017 # 46 The humiliation of Job.. - 9/3/2017 CC# 47 How shall a man be.. - 10/8/2017 For I have accepted Job - 11/5/2017 #37 And you shall glorify Me - 11/8/2017 #38 2 Sam 11 David Bathsheba - 11/8/2017 CC# 49 God done this Job, 5 - 12/3/2017 CC # 17 Meet you at mercy seat - 12/16/2017 CC # 18 His blood be upon us - 12/16/2017 How was Christ made sin - 12/16/2017 CC# 25 Day of Atonement - 12/16/2017 CC#50 Priesthood,Christ Job 42 - 1/7/2018 CC # 51 Job 42 Glory of Christ - 2/11/2018 CC52 Ruth Naomi Law & gospel 1 - 3/11/2018 Water Baptism for Salvation? - 3/23/2018 Gleaning in Boaz's Field - 4/1/2018 Baptism necessary, salvation 2 - 4/26/2018 Ruth 3 Until He has concluded - 5/6/2018 Law of Kinsman Redeemer - 6/3/2018 CC # 59 Judges 11 - 6/10/2018 Qualifications of the Kinsman - 7/1/2018 Rare thing that King requires - 8/5/2018 CC #61 Law of Medes Esther 1 - 9/9/2018 CC # 62 1Kings 1 vs 1 to 4 - 9/16/2018 CC63 Esther 2 Prep, meet king - 10/7/2018 CC # 64 The decree, Esther 3 - 11/4/2018 BSGCC # 65 King has One Law 4 - 1/6/2019 BSGCC 67 Petitions of Esther 5 - 2/3/2019 BSGCC # 68 Esther 7 Then.. - 3/3/2019 BSGCC # 69 Let it be.. - 4/7/2019 BSGCC # 71 Pressed on by - 5/12/2019 BSGCC # 72 And they became.. - 6/2/2019 BSGCC # 73 And they hanged.. - 7/7/2019 BSGCC #74 The glory of.. - 8/4/2019 BSGCC # 75 A poor and wise.. - 9/1/2019 BSGCC # 76 In contempt of.. - 10/6/2019 BSGCC # 77 The daughters of.. - 11/10/2019 CC# Introduction to Joseph.. - 2/2/2020 CC# 79 Is this your Son's.. - 2/23/2020 CC # 80 Accepted in Christ.. - 3/1/2020 CC # 81 Captain over the.. - 4/5/2020 CC# 82 Let thy servant.. - 4/12/2020 CC # Jesus the mediator of.. - 5/3/2020 CC# 85 And He changed His.. - 6/7/2020 CC # 86 The Young.. - 6/21/2020 CC # 86 Do not disturb His.. - 7/5/2020 CC # Christ's glory in.. - 8/2/2020 CC # 89 Your Servant my.. - 9/27/2020 CC # 90 Lazarus and the.. - 10/4/2020 CC # 91 And the Manna.. - 10/10/2020 CC # 92 Achan and the.. - 10/17/2020 CC # 93 The Simple.. - 10/25/2020 CC# 93 Jesus in the Leper.. - 11/22/2020 CC # 95 Unless your brother.. - 11/28/2020 CC # 96 Send our brother.. - 12/6/2020 CC # 97 God has put.. - 12/12/2020 CC # 98 Benjamin, Christ.. - 12/20/2020 CC # 99 You meant it, but.. - 12/26/2020 CC # 100 A change of.. - 1/3/2021 CC # 101 Jacob sent Judah.. - 1/9/2021 CC # 102 We despaired of.. - 1/17/2021 CC # 103 They all escaped.. - 1/23/2021 BSGCC # 104 And the money.. - 4/17/2021 BSGCC # 105 A sacrifice.. - 4/24/2021 BSGCC # 106 A large stone.. - 5/1/2021 BSGCC # 107 It is not our.. - 5/8/2021 CC # 108 These animals.. - 5/23/2021 CC # 109 Purification of a.. - 5/29/2021 CC # 110 An infection.. - 6/5/2021 BSGCC # 111 A foiled.. - 8/7/2021 BSGCC # 112 The friend of.. - 8/29/2021 CC # 113 The pre-eminence.. - 10/23/2021 CC # 114 The Testimony of.. - 11/6/2021 CC # 115 Raised in.. - 11/27/2021 CC # 119 The words of king.. - 1/2/2022 CC # 120 Proverbs woman Pt.. - 1/8/2022 CC # 122 I am the Lord.. - 1/22/2022 CC # 123 Go call your.. - 1/23/2022 CC # 124 Moses is dead.. - 1/29/2022 CC # 128 Sickness & death.. - 6/5/2022 CC # He is able Heb 2 vs 5-18 - 8/7/2022 CC # 132 Rest in Peace 1Cor.. - 8/20/2022 CC # 134 The Passover,.. - 9/8/2022 CC # 135 A lamb for an ass.. - 9/11/2022 CC # 136 The Death of the.. - 10/2/2022 CC # 137 What is to stop me.. - 10/9/2022 CC # 138 The King's daughter.. - 11/6/2022 CC # 139 The condescension o.. - 11/13/2022 CC # 140 A sling and Stone 1.. - 11/20/2022 CC # 141 The King's Son-in-L.. - 11/27/2022 CC # 142 The Gibeonites, Sau.. - 12/4/2022 CC # 145 The Egyptians are d.. - 1/1/2023 CC # 146 Sarah's Womb & Rege.. - 1/8/2023 CC # 147 Caleb's Promise and.. - 10/1/2023 BSGCC # 148 Mt Everest and G.. - 2/4/2024 BSGCC # 149 No weapon shall.. - 8/18/2024 CC # 150 Why was Sodom destr.. - 11/3/2024 CC # The Molded House Lev 14.. - 12/1/2024 BSGC # 154 Let us cross over.. - 1/12/2025
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Rita Beckett (11/29/2022)from New Jersey
Great Sermon! This is one sermon you don't want to pass by. Nothing like this wisdom being preached anywhere.
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