* Congregational Reading: 2 Kings 17:1-41 *
The Reign of Wicked Hoshea in Israel 1. the egregious conspiracy against Pekah, 2 Kings 15:30 2. the evil reign & captive end of Hoseha, vv1-4 3. the end of Samaria & captivity in Assyria, vv5-6
The Reasons for Israel's Exile 1. the idolatrous history of Israel, vv7-23 - a. from their days of conquest in the land, vv1-12 - b. forsaking God's Word through the prophets, vv13-15 - c. following all kinds of evil, vv16-18 - d. finding even Judah, under Ahaz, committing idolatry, vv19-20 - e. finally exiling Israel to Assyria, vv21-23
The Resettlements in Israel by Assyria 1. subduing Samaria with mixed multitudes, vv24-26 2. sending Levitical priests from Assyria, vv27-28 3. serving idols but fearing the LORD, vv29-33 4. so the fear of the LORD they had was a false fear, vv34-41
Phony Faith in Dark & Deceitful Times 1. confused religion, vv24-25 2. cold religion, vv26-28 (v13) 3. common religion, v32 4. compromised religion, v33 5. cultic religion, v34
Powerful Faith Desiring the Promised Light 1. committed to Christ's covenant, 1 Cor 2:2 2. compliant to Christ's commandments, John 14:15 3. captured by Christ's majesty, John 20:28 4. complete through Christ's promises, Phil 1:6; Titus 2:13 |