Job's Captivity ... Job's great trial ... Job's CROSS. Dear friend, all of the elect of God know something of the cross of affliction, of suffering, of rejection, of persecution, of loneliness.
God afflicts HIS OWN, even as when they were young I afflicted (punished, whipped) my own children. Dear Friend, I did not punish someone else's child, but it my own child that I sought to correct. So it is with the LORD, who said, "If ye be without chastisement then are ye bastards and not sons."
The one outstanding EVIDENCE that you and I are God's children is just this — we know something of the CROSS in our lives, killing our pride, our self-centeredness, our sin and rebellion.
Pastor Gene Breed of Jonesboro GA is not a stranger to many in our audience, and we gladly welcome him to this ROLFE BARNARD LIBRARY. May the message prove a blessing to your heart! |