Sye Ten Bruggencat lives in Ontario, Canada. He was born in Toronto, grew up in a loving Christian home, and is the 5th eldest of 7 children. His parents immigrated from Holland, His Dad was originally from a Dutch colony in Indonesia). He can speak Dutch fluently. He is a member of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church in Canada. He has had no formal...Sye Ten Bruggencat lives in Ontario, Canada. He was born in Toronto, grew up in a loving Christian home, and is the 5th eldest of 7 children. His parents immigrated from Holland, His Dad was originally from a Dutch colony in Indonesia). He can speak Dutch fluently. He is a member of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church in Canada. He has had no formal training in apologetics (defense of the faith), but has studied presuppositional apologetics from many resources, most notably, lectures by the late Greg Bahnsen. By God's grace alone, he is a Christian. Sye is a street preacher. His website is | more | less