Geoff Banister FPC of Indianapolis |
| SUN 11/24/2024 Sunday - PM | 30 min
Geoff Banister | LukeFPC of Indianapolis |
| SUN 11/24/2024 Sunday - AM | 47 min
Geoff Banister Phoenix FPC |
| SUN 11/10/2024 Sunday - PM | 35 min
Geoff Banister FPC of Indianapolis |
| SUN 11/17/2024 180+ | 31 min
Geoff Banister | LukeFPC of Indianapolis |
| SUN 11/17/2024 Sunday - AM | 40 min
Geoff Banister Phoenix FPC |
| FRI 11/08/2024 Special | 100 min
Geoff Banister FPC of Indianapolis |
| SUN 11/03/2024 Sunday - PM | 24 min
Geoff Banister FPC of Indianapolis |
| SUN 10/27/2024 380+ | 30 min
Geoff Banister | LukeFPC of Indianapolis |
| SUN 10/27/2024 200+ | 38 min
Geoff Banister FPC of Indianapolis |
| SUN 10/20/2024 Sunday - PM | 37 min
Geoff Banister | LukeFPC of Indianapolis |
| SUN 10/20/2024 Sunday - AM | 52 min
Geoff Banister FPC of Indianapolis |
| SUN 10/13/2024 Sunday - PM | 37 min
Geoff Banister FPC of Indianapolis |
| SUN 10/06/2024 160+ | 32 min
Geoff Banister FPC of Indianapolis |
| SUN 09/29/2024 Sunday - PM | 31 min
Geoff Banister | LukeFPC of Indianapolis |
| SUN 09/29/2024 Sunday - AM | 51 min
Geoff Banister FPC of Indianapolis |
| SUN 09/08/2024 140+ | 29 min
Geoff Banister FPC of Indianapolis |
| SUN 09/08/2024 Sunday - AM | 42 min
Geoff Banister FPC of Indianapolis |
| SUN 09/01/2024 Sunday - PM | 30 min
Geoff Banister FPC of Indianapolis |
| SUN 09/01/2024 Sunday - AM | 35 min
Geoff Banister FPC of Indianapolis |
| SUN 08/25/2024 160+ | 33 min
Geoff Banister FPC of Indianapolis |
| SUN 08/25/2024 140+ | 40 min
Geoff Banister FPC of Indianapolis |
| SUN 08/18/2024 Sunday - PM | 39 min