Jerry Marcellino Audubon Drive Bible Church |
| MON 11/07/2022 Testimony | 3 min
Bob Kirkland | Hill And ValleysFairHavens Baptist Church | WED 11/06/2024 Testimony | 10 min
Bob Kirkland | Hill And ValleysFairHavens Baptist Church | TUE 11/05/2024 Testimony | 8 min
Bob Kirkland | Strength For TodayFairHavens Baptist Church | MON 11/04/2024 Testimony | 5 min
Tobias Riemenschneider | TestimonyProvidence Baptist Chapel |
| SUN 11/03/2024 Testimony | 20 min
Miss Elizabeth Edwards | TestimonyGrace Free Presbyterian |
| SUN 10/27/2024 Testimony | 11 min
Phil Seely | TestimoniesGrace Bible Independent | SUN 10/27/2024 Testimony | 22 min
Mr. Colin McKee | TestimonyOmagh Free Presbyterian Church |
| SAT 10/19/2024 Testimony | 34 min
Bob Faulkner | PersecutionHackberry House of Chosun | SUN 10/20/2024 Testimony | 9 min
Bob Faulkner | PersecutionHackberry House of Chosun | SUN 10/13/2024 Testimony | 17 min
Rev. Logan Elder | 40th AnniversaryCloverdale Free Presbyterian |
| SUN 10/06/2024 Testimony | 36 min
Alan Angeles Believers Chapel |
| SUN 09/29/2024 Testimony | 8 min
Bob Faulkner Hackberry House of Chosun | SUN 10/06/2024 Testimony | 9 min
Luz Romero | TestimoniosIglesia Biblica Monte Horeb |
| SUN 09/29/2024 Testimony | 27 min
Timothy Geiger Tenth |
| WED 05/01/2024 Testimony | 2 min
Bob Faulkner | PersecutionHackberry House of Chosun | MON 09/30/2024 Testimony | 8 min
Pastor Mike Cocoris | Single SermonsLindley Church |
| SUN 09/22/2024 Testimony | 50 min
Mr. Simon Dunlop Comber Free Presbyterian |
| SUN 09/22/2024 Testimony | 45 min
Bob Faulkner | PersecutionHackberry House of Chosun | SUN 09/22/2024 Testimony | 7 min
Steve Marquedant | TestimoniesSovereign Grace Reformed |
| SUN 09/15/2024 Testimony | 32 min