Brandon Nealy Christ Church of Acadiana | MON 12/05/2011 Sunday Service | 39 min

Dr. David P Murray | Pastoral MinistryPuritan Reformed Theological | MON 12/05/2011 840+ | 32 min

Dr. Lars Larson First Baptist of Leominster | MON 12/05/2011 Radio Broadcast | 26 min

Dr. Richard McCarrell The Word for Life | MON 12/05/2011 100+ | 13 min

Evangelist Dwight Smith | Fall Semester 2011Ambassador Baptist College | MON 12/05/2011 Chapel Service | 50 min

Geoff Banister | Psalm 119FPC of Indianapolis | MON 12/05/2011 120+ | 40 min

Gregory N. Barkman Beacon Broadcast | MON 12/05/2011 Radio Broadcast | 14 min

Larry Phillips Pineville Sovereign Grace | MON 12/05/2011 100+ | 17 min

Dr. Alan Cairns | CalebLet the Bible Speak Radio | MON 12/05/2011 160+ | 28 min

Dr. Andy Bloom | Study of HebrewsCentral Baptist Church | MON 12/05/2011 100+ | 15 min

Matthew Trewhella | Church historyMercy Seat Christian Church | MON 12/05/2011 1,420+ | 62 min

Michael Easter | Bible SchoolPeoples Baptist Church | MON 12/05/2011 200+ | 50 min

Michael Easter | Bible SchoolPeoples Baptist Church | MON 12/05/2011 200+ | 67 min

Nathan Crockett Bob Jones University | MON 12/05/2011 1,480+ | 30 min
