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END is Not Yet!
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Predictions of the end of the world: 1844 Ellen G. White- -1914 Charles Taz Russell; 1973 Herbert W. Armstrong; 1984 Hal Lindsay, 1994 Harold Camping, 2000 Various; Harold Camping of Family Radio 5/21/2011. Michael Rood of Rood Awakening marked The Day of 2010 Atonement (or no later than 2/2011) when he would watch Damascus being nuked. It is still there to my knowledge. Mr. Rood, is respected in some areas of teaching but now concerning eschatology!.

HosYah 6:1-11 and the "Concept of the Seventh Sabbatical" We are almost to the 7000th year. 6,980 years man's time on the earth to now, almost 2000 years from Messiah's death, burial and resurrection (2029 to 2033) His coming can be soon! I may be gone! I'll be too old or dead!

"Fear not little flock" YaHOSHA said, "It is the Father's pleasure to give you the kingdom". John 14.

We KNOW HE is returning to this earth. Way too much Scripture to intellectually or otherwise deny this reality. Our Maker is about to call us. Oh, it will be grand! HE will subdue His enemies. All will be trampled under His "feet". It will be literal, not symbolic. Hallel (praise) YaHVaH!

Read the book of Revelation and it seems people can be saved right up to Revelation 21.

Harold Camping's last prediction of 2011 has come and gone. Mr. Camping confessed that his methods were wrong in calculating the end of time. He is the ONLY popular figure who has ever admitted fault. For a few years Harold said (I believe) that "The time of salvation closed, not the end of the world.. I salute Camping for renouncing his error, for not covering it up any longer, and not allowing followers to perpetuate the lame theory. Other religions like Adventists could benefit by doing likewise.

Be encouraged! Dates are important. Y2K Year 2000 and the alleged computer problem meant nothing to me, nor did 2001 which began this Century. 6980 years since Adam, is it not? The time of Messiah's return is very important to us. We just do not know exactly when it is. All I know is that years ago, I was a nobody, and SOMEBODY, YaHOSHA set me free from my old flesh. We are born of water and of the Spirit John 3. "Thank you YaHOSHA Messiah, for Thy unmerited favor, Ephesians 2:2-10, Romans 10:9 . I knew nothing about The Book of The Revelation. It is our blessed hope. Thank Thee for giving us so much. Praise YaHVaH, Thou art our King! Hallel YaHVah."

Harold, Michael, Ellen G. White, Chas. Taz., Armstrong and others predicted dates but the sheep just cannot be sidetracked. We "hear" His voice by reading The Scriptures. I still love the Antioch scrolls, from whence we get the KJV. Few versions, if any, will surpass it. Maranantha!

TsephanYah Eber of WWW.YaHVaHYahweh.Name

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