First, God covers sin. Psalm 85:2 — "You forgave the iniquity of your people; you covered all their sin." He's a sin stoning and a forgiving God. We delight in his character. It is pure mercy and sovereign grace to the vilest offender who truly believes. It is pardon unexpected, because we deserve punishment. It is the forgiveness of all sins - throwing them behind God's back, and it is blotting out - so that they can't be seen - our transgressions.
Forgiveness is because of Christ and grace. It is given to whom God pleases. It comes with restoring grace. Not only are we accepted by God, but we're enabled to walk uprightly. The power of love and thankfulness, given by the Spirit, enables us to walk with God and keep his commandments. It's the joy of the prodigal, after he came home. He weeps, he dances, and he loves his father like never before. He knows what it's like to be in sin, and to be in his father's grace, which has surprising power to allure the heart.
Unregenerate people have no power to love God. Like the lepers who were cleansed, they go on their way. The one, however, who was a Samaritan, was truly thankful. He did not see himself as worthy. He saw the grace he received as soul exalting and exhilarating. A life of thankfulness was begun, which is the greatest motive of missions. Yes, we know God saves others. Yes, we're commanded to go. But, we are SO THANKFUL for mercy that we want to do something for God. We have to say, “Thank you,” with our lives. Now, recognizing the calling and the indebtedness, we go forward.
Let forgiveness work in you. Draw near to God daily. Cleanse your conscience by pardon, and you will do exploits. You will serve, love God, and honor him.
Secondly, the psalmist uses God's past acts to plead for present ones. This is good wisdom. Psalm 85:5 — "Will you be angry with us forever? Will you prolong your anger to all generations?"
God’s past revivals are a good call for him to do it now - to send blessing to his church, his spiritual people. To forgive us of sloth and pride, and take away our reproach. To forgive us of playing politics, and reducing Christ for votes. To forgive us for spending on ourselves extravagantly, while the world perishes. To forgive us for compromise, cowardice, and coldness of heart.
God forgave the church in Whitefield’s day, and sent many preachers. He can forgive and do the same now. He can send his Spirit mightily to conquer us. It's not too late for God! We don't have to hide and wait until the End.
Thirdly, we must not return to folly. Psalm 85:8 — "Let me hear what God the LORD will speak, for he will speak peace to his people, to his saints; but let them not turn back to folly."
Revival doesn't come for us to continue in sin. God doesn't pardon for us to go back to unbelief and coldness. He pardons so we may be zealous. He restores us to walk with him in affection and consecration. He alleviates our burden so we can serve.
Do not seek forgiveness and sin simultaneously. Give up one, so you can have the other. Like the monkey trapped by his hand, let go of the fruit to spare your life.
Seek God to restore your life, not merely your peace. Seek him to save you from sin, not merely to make you happier. Seek him for a changed you. He will never change his demands. God, it has been rightly said, predestines holiness for those who obtain true joy, peace, and everlasting bliss; it is the way of the kingdom.
Finally, the Lord will give reviving. Psalm 85:12 - "Yes, the LORD will give what is good, and our land will yield its increase."
The internet age has seen the gospel explode around the world. Yes, we see false prophets everywhere. The signs and wonders gospel slays her multitudes. Yet, God’s grace is known in places where it was not preached twenty years ago. There are thousands attending conferences in the USA, and churches are being revived in Europe. Much more must be done, but God will do it! Let us look to him in prayer. Luke 18:8 - "I tell you, he will give justice to them speedily. Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?""
He will not deny us. If we come to him by faith, even in the last of days, he must answer faith with results. He will give us the power of the Spirit.
Let us turn our attention from the world to Christ, and seek revival from him. Let us admit our lethargy, and get grace. Let us remember the works of old - He forgives transgressions.