Attention all broadcasters!Podcasting first became popular back in the early 2000's with the advent of Apple's iPod. In more recent days, it has gained in popularity yet again. It is simply a mechanism by which audio broadcasts can be delivered to listeners' devices. SermonAudio has supported podcasting almost since day one but we have finally released full, native support for customizable podcasts with every broadcaster account.

You can now host your PODCAST on SermonAudio with fully customizable album art, description, convenient subscribe buttons, and even a beautiful landing page for your podcast show. Take a look at this sample.
How does it work?
You can turn any existing sermon series into a proper podcast with a click of a button! Simply navigate to the Series Manager in the Dashboard, create or select a sermon series, and from there you can convert it into a podcast.

From the standpoint of SermonAudio, here are the differences between a typical sermon series and a proper podcast:
- Podcasts can display convenient subscribe buttons.
- Podcasts are prominently displayed in a separate section on Solo Sites.
- Podcasts enjoy a ready-made landing page to share (sample).
- Both podcasts and sermon series support fully-customizable album art.
- Both podcasts and sermon series support fully-customizable descriptions.

Fully-customizable album art.
We've made it incredibly easy to upload your own custom album art for any sermon series or podcast. Make your sermons stand out from the pack with beautiful album art. Check out some examples.

If you've thought about starting a podcast but didn't know how to host it, we've made it easier than ever to get it started. Enjoy!