Attention all users!As you know, we house over a million sermons from 30,000+ speakers all over the world which can be enjoyed by streaming, downloading, podcasting, embedding, and support for mobile devices of every description. Therefore having a GREAT player is extremely important to us. It's been a long time coming, and we've worked very hard to get it right, but it's finally arrived and we couldn't be more excited!
This is BIG news. There's a lot to love here.
We are extremely pleased to announce the new and improved sermon player! It has been built from the ground up, is 100% HTML5-friendly, and free of any flash components. It is also responsive so it works and looks fantastic in any size, on any device. It loads super-fast and the playback scrubbing is buttery smooth.
Click here to give it a try and see for yourself!
Listening to sermons was always enjoyable, but now it's even better!
Some other improvements include the ability to adjust the playback speed so you can listen to that 60 minute sermon in half the time! You also have the ability to skip back and forward in the sermon in increments of 15-seconds. Easily share and embed the sermon with all the necessary buttons right there in the player!
A visual treat with WAVES!
Yes! We finally have an aesthetically pleasing waveform representation of the audio automatically generated for every sermon! It's not only gorgeous because it stretches to fit any size, but it's also extremely functional as it allows you to scrub the audio much easier! Did we mention how absolutely beautiful our new player is?
Keyboard shortcuts!
Here are the keyboard shortcuts that work with the sermon player.
- Play / Pause .. Space or K
- Mute .. M
- Volume Up .. Up Arrow
- Volume Down .. Down Arrow
- Skip 15s Back .. Left Arrow or J
- Skip 15s Forward .. Right Arrow or L
- Increase Speed .. Shift + .
- Decrease Speed .. Shift + ,
Embed sermons on your site with pride!That's right. Full embedding on your own site is also supported. You'll love it! Choose between light or dark themes. Even specify a starting time to begin playback! The embed code supports automatically displaying the newest sermon by broadcaster, speaker, or series. And remember, the player is responsive and can stretch to size, so it will work and look great on mobile sites as well!