If you own a Android Wear smartwatch you might be interested to know that SermonAudio already integrates beautifully well when listening to sermons or even the 24x7 Radio! See what's currently playing with a glance at your watch or control the sermon's playback (pause/play, fast-forward, rewind) using the watch's interface. Complete with beautiful, color-coordinated album art!
Android Wear devices can control the SermonAudio Android app's audio player. When the Wear device is paired with your device, simply enable notifications. Then when a sermon begins playing, the Wear device will automatically show a notification with the sermon's speaker and title, along with a play/pause button. Swipe right for fast forward, rewind, and volume controls.
Android Wear is a version of Google's Android operating system designed for smartwatches and other wearables. By pairing with Android mobile phones, Android Wear integrates mobile notifications into a smartwatch form factor. Android Wear smartwatches feature always-on displays.