Here at SermonAudio, we love receiving emails and letters. But every so often, we receive something that deserves a little extra attention. Recently, we received an email from a missionary to Haiti that was a tremendous encouragement to us. We want to share it with you, below. And keep reading..Good Morning
My name is Tony Jones and I am from Peterborough Ontario Canada. I have been a full time Missionary here in Grand Goave Haiti for the last 7 years. Being a missionary that very rarely goes back home there were 2 things that I really missed. Number 1 was the fellowship with my Brothers and Sisters from my home church back in Peterborough. Number 2 was the "Hearing of the Word" and being fed spiritually through it. Not knowing the language upon arriving and then knowing the language but hearing very little truth from the churches lead me to hunger for some great preaching.
You need to know the spiritual condition of Haiti to understand this more. 70% of all pastors in Haiti DO NOT know the Lord, most churches are nothing more than what I call "Halleluiah disco's." People ask me what the spiritual condition of the people are in Haiti. I tell it this way, Haiti is 50% Catholicism, 50% Evangelical and 100% voodoo. So to get fed spiritually is very difficult here.
One day I was corresponding with a friend telling him about this problem and he said to me, do you listen to SermonAudio? Now I am not a tech kind of guy, I had only ever had 1 computer and never a cell phone in my life. I really didn't know what was on the internet, I only sent emails and that was it. He told me how to find your website and I started to download sermons.
The first week I listened to about 3 sermons, second week 8 sermons and the 3rd week 2 sermons a day. I was absolutely blown away by the quality of the preaching and teaching I was hearing. Guys I couldn't get enough, I would go to the mountains where I do most of my work and could hardly wait to get back to hear the Word. Tears would come to my eyes when I would listen to a sermon that touched me. The first one that did this was "10 Shekels and a Shirt" by Paris Reidhead. He went through some of the same things I have gone through here in Haiti and this sermon really strengthened me.
Now it's 2014 and I have listened to well over 1000 sermons. I am now married with 2 boys so I don't get to listen as much as I use to. But I can tell you I am still getting fed daily by the beautiful preaching from the Godly men I am hearing on SermonAudio. Don't ever think that you are not making an impact for the kingdom. Guys if my friend had not told me about you, who knows I may have gone back home. I just downloaded another 30 sermons so I better go listen Ha!
Thanks so much for all you do
Lord Bless
Tony Jones
Editor's note: But wait, it gets even better. We, here at SermonAudio, were grateful for the email we received. But we were even more amazed as we began to learn of our brother's work in Haiti and how God is using him in a powerful way to help spread the Gospel. Today, he has helped to establish orphanages, medical clinics, churches, and schools with a no-nonsense, clear Gospel presentation. And one of the most fascinating ways he is supporting the mission work is by selling coffee! Read an excerpt from his own biography below:

During one of my treks up the mountain, we met a woman who had sacks of bean tied to her donkey, or as I call them “Haitian Hummers.” I asked her what the beans were, and she told me they were coffee. Now I drank coffee, but I didn't know a good bean from a bad bean, so I bought about 5 lbs from her and sent them to a friend in Canada who knew about coffee. Shortly after, he got back to me and said the coffee was delicious. He asked me how much I could send him and that he would buy it all! Soon we were selling green bean and roasting coffee that I bought directly from the families whose children go to our school! Profits from the coffee sales go towards paying the teachers.
Today we support 26 teachers in 5 schools allowing over 1,000 children to hear the gospel daily! There are still some 50 teachers from other mountain schools that I want to support, I feel like they are waiting for the gospel and a paycheck. Living here in Haiti I am confronted daily with hungry men, women and children. I felt a real burden to do something about this. Many organizations come here and give things away to the Haitians; they have turned Haitians into beggars. A Haitian will receive a bag of white rice from a group; but what that group doesn't’t know is that most Haitians will not eat just white rice. They need to buy beans, spices, cooking oil, charcoal so in most cases they end up just selling it for very little money to buy already cooked food.
Read much more of his biography or buy the coffee for yourself directly online by clicking here..
Editor's Note: We have already bought a number of coffee bags ourselves and we can attest that it is so far the best and freshest coffee we've ever had the privilege to enjoy! What a way to support the right kind of mission work!