Attention all users!We support local text-ads on that appear only to visitors that are in a specified local area. These ads are therefore highly targeted involving people, places, and events that would be familiar to local users.
Here's how it works. When you purchase a text-ad with the local option turned on, it will appear on the site in a rotation of local ads along with the city name and weather icon (if available) for the duration of an entire month. It will only appear to those site visitors within the mile-radius of the specified ZIP code.
For additional exposure.. your text-ad link will be included in our weekly newsletter (for the same month duration) to subscribers in that same mile-radius ZIP code. It also appears in the Local Church Finder for relevant searches.
One month after your ad has expired, you will receive an automatic email report with the number of site impressions, newsletter impressions, and click-throughs for that period.
Please avoid using local ads for sermons.
Low rates for a full month of advertising. The local ad rates are aggressively priced to provide an inexpensive solution for local businesses and churches to gain extra exposure to targeted visitors.
Click here to try it out today!