Attention all broadcasters!We are happy to announce our support for scheduled events on SermonAudio! Now you can separately post upcoming special events of conferences, VBS, meetings, and other events with the option of accepting online registrations and even online payments!
Event-Specific Details.
You can specify details that are particular to each event such as the event date, time, event cost with foreign currency support, online registration and electronic payment including Paypal + Stripe support for easy credit card integration, and more.
New! We've now added the ability to supply detailed day-by-day schedule as well as multiple, detailed notes for additional event information. This in combination with online registrations + payments make it the perfect solution for conferences!
New! Other conveniences include the ability to specify a speaker list, and if they are on SermonAudio their photo will automatically appear. Also, all text areas support markdown formatting syntax to easily bold, italic, list items, and link items!
Other features include an Add-To-Outlook-Calendar button that allows you to quickly add the event to your personal calendaring application (any that supports the standard iCal format).
Site-Wide Event Manager Section.
The Event Manager section on the side toolbar allows you to browse events across all broadcasters and to provide maximum exposure for your church's events! Easily find and filter events based on keyword, event type, broadcaster, etc. In addition, every broadcaster homepage has a section called simply Events where you can create/view all events for your own church.
Online Registrations. Online Payments.
We cannot overstate how simple it is to accept online registrations for any event. Here's how it works. Based on the "category-type" of the event (ie: Conference, VBS, etc), the system will automatically present the appropriate fields in the registration form that are likely to be associated with that event category. Once the visitor fills out the form, an automatic email notification will be sent to both the visitor and to the broadcaster with the registration details.
If there is a cost associated with the event, the system will present the visitor with payment options after they fill out the registration form. They can choose to pay right then and there with a credit card or later. It couldn't be easier, it works on mobile, and it's beautifully integrated!
Members Only Area Stats.
There is additional event-related statistics and reports available in the Members Only Area which includes printing an "attendance sheet" style report for those who registered for events in both printable and "raw-text" formats.
Live Webcast Integration!
By simply selecting the "Live Webcast" option in the event details, your event will automatically be included in the Live Webcast Schedule as well as its details being linked to the webcast when it is in progress. Extra free exposure!
View Local Upcoming Events!
The Event Manager also supports an extra tab called "Local Events" which when clicked will show only the upcoming events within a certain mile-radius of a ZIP code. Easily find any upcoming events nearest to you! Click here for more information..
Make It A Featured Event!
For maximum visibility, you can make any event a "featured event" by simply clicking the text-feature button on the event details page and selecting the 5-day option. Featured events appear prominently on the front page of the site. This is a paid option.
Our events support is now stronger than ever and ideal particularly for conferences. And while other services may charge to setup events and accept payments, this feature is freely included to every broadcaster on the site!
Example event page | View upcoming events | Create a new event
Enjoy events support!