The Foundations Conference is a conference organized by SermonAudio with a special emphasis on the themes of prayer and preaching.
The basis of this burden is centered around Acts 6:4, “But we will give ourselves continually to prayer, and to the ministry of the word.”
Dr. Steven Lawson is typically joined by a unique blend of other featured speakers on SermonAudio. |
The dual conference themes of prayer and preaching reflect the realization that only ministries grounded in the faithful exposition of the Word and upheld by prayer have the power to effect any lasting changes in their hearers. Our goal is to establish a conference that not only maintains this reminder but also provides an opportunity for fellowship and refreshment.
Why Another Conference?
It has been our desire to organize a conference that seeks to glorify God both in its emphasis as well as in its experience. We believe the emphasis of prayer and the ministry of the Word is one that all Bible-believing ministries with a heart to make an impact on their generation can rally around. And by experience, we simply seek to remove all obstacles and controversies surrounding many of today's conferences so that all that is left is all that is essential.
- A conference that features a unique blend of speakers on SermonAudio.
Speakers in the past included: Steven Lawson, Clarence Sexton, Conrad Mbewe, Steve Pettit, Phil Johnson, Joel Beeke, Todd Friel, Paul Washer, Geoff Thomas, and others.
- A conference that seeks to maintain a modest yet effective environment for fellowship and interaction with speakers.
- A conference that features a cappella hymn singing for its beauty in simplicity.
- A conference that provides generous refreshments for all attending.
- A conference that provides discounts with a featured bookseller.
In summary, it is our desire to organize a conference whereby the staff of SermonAudio can serve speakers, pastors, church leaders, families, students, and friends in an enjoyable venue. We feel that it is important to make every effort to forge new friendships among God's people.
Past Conferences
Though not guaranteed, we seek to host The Foundations Conference every year. All past conferences are
recorded for your enjoyment below:
(L to R: Curtis Knapp, Harold Vaughan, Ian Macleod, Joel Beeke, Steven Lawson, Alan Benson)
The Foundations Conference NYC 2023 | all messages
(L to R: Curtis Knapp, Armen Thomassian, Bob Vradenburgh, Steven Lawson, Joel Beeke, Mark Acevedo. Not pictured: Paul Washer, Steve Pettit)
The Foundations Conference BJU 2022 | all messages
(L to R: Todd Friel, Steven Lawson, Clarence Sexton, Steve Pettit, John Vaughn, Joel Beeke, Armen Thomassian)
The Foundations Conference BJU 2021 | all messages
(Steven Lawson, Paul Washer, Geoff Thomas, Armen Thomassian, Richard Caldwell Jr, Andrew Quigley)
The Foundations Conference NYC 2019 | all messages
(L to R: Phil Johnson, Joel Beeke, Alan Dunlop, Steven Lawson, Todd Friel, Gerard Hemmings, Armen Thomassian)
The Foundations Conference NYC 2017 | all messages
(L to R: John Wagner, Joel Beeke, Conrad Mbewe, Steven Lawson, Steve Pettit, Rick Cross)
The Foundations Conference NYC 2015 | all messages