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Sermon Matthew 16:13-20 : The Church the King Builds | Chris Johnson
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Sermon2/24/2022 8:58 AM
Youth in Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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“ Great Sermon! ”
I've been searching for this pastor for a time, I'm so glad I found him after sooo many years! - Abilene, Texas

Sermon8/29/2021 9:46 AM
Youth in Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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“ Great Sermon! ”
The ultimate lecture on this topic! It is a sad thing that most people have all this information but ignore it😔.

Sermon5/11/2021 9:06 AM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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“ Great Sermon! ”
This was a very good and professional news report, I hesitated listening to it in fear of it being another sensational news piece, but I learned a lot, especially the devotional and the practical application of Jesus' words to our souls.

Sermon1/18/2021 9:50 AM
Youth in Asia  Contact via emailFind all comments by Youth in Asia
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Irreversible Blessing
Steven Lee
“ Great Sermon! ”
I'm so happy with the decisions that the leadership of SA makes 😊 . Removing the news section and replacing it with devotions and bible verses is very smart 🙏 I hope there will be a backup somewhere of all the sermons here if the tech-giants do shut us down. Sermonaudio was precious to me in china, and it continues to be so for many others. praise the lord.

News Item12/18/2020 12:06 PM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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still waiting, hopefully visa will be approved soon, almost 12 months apart, yet loves me more than ever . I'm still spiritually alive, and can see God's providence in 2020, without any doubt, this is where God wants me to be, so I accepted His will

News Item12/18/2020 9:25 AM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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I just talked with my Nigerian Christian brother, and I'm moved to pray. I'm happy for the opportunity to lead him closer to christ while I was with him. And my advice is not to seek help from the U.S.A, EU, governments like the below posters mentioned, but let the church be the one to do it. The world cannot solve this problem. As far as I know, travel is allowed to places like Kenya, and some parts of Africa. Go! The developed world is going to hell, invest in the undeveloped world Church! it's not the end, consider going where you fear going, and trust the Lord. The harvest is plenty, stop playing a Christian on the internet, and become a labourer of Jesus today.

News Item11/25/2020 7:35 AM
Youth in Asia | Under a rock  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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So what's going with U.S elections, do you have a new president or not?

News Item11/6/2020 10:48 PM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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His sermons shaped my Christian life more than I can imagine. Listening to the Let Bible Speak Radio for years made me create my own radio show for my Chinese Bible students, I also called it Let the Bible Speak Radio.

Enjoy your upgrade to heaven Mr. Alan Cairns! See you soon

Sermon10/23/2020 7:38 AM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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Trust in Him at all Times
William Hughes
“ Encouraging! ”
at the 29 minute mark, the preacher says what if you are in China, locked out? Listen to David and trust in God at all times! This is my situation, and it really encouraged me to hear those words, they sure did!

News Item8/29/2020 12:18 PM
Youth in Asia | North America  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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I even see it on sermonaudio, many churches no longer available to listen to. It's understandable, nothing lasts forever. I remember in 2013 News in Focus radio with Trevor Hammack was removed, it felt like I really did lose a local church!

News Item8/18/2020 8:17 AM
Youth in Asia | N.America  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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But why the united states? Surely there are worse countries with more persecution and ungodliness than them? North Korea, Russia, Africa?

It's interesting, it's like God did make a special covenant with the United States and Israel.

News Item7/27/2020 9:55 AM
Youth in Asia | N.America  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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Encouraging! He really believes in his church.
They will open Casino's and Pro Wrestling first before they open churches.

But he will be made an example of. Let's see if the church is really important to people, as someone stated below, you can post John MacArthur links all you want, but if you don't support him now, your actions speak louder than words.

If your church is not important today, it won't be essential tomorrow.

Sermon7/1/2020 5:54 PM
Youth in Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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Counted Worthy!
Paul Washer
“ Prophetic sermon ”
What Paul Washer was warning us, has come to North America

News Item5/17/2020 9:39 AM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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Would anyone here want trade places with them? If not, what are you doing with the blessings that God gave you? If they have been called to sacrifice, should your sacrifices be even greater?

And people here are upset that I call western christianity a mess, when the standards are already set by these brethren.

I wish more could be done for them, I guess many Korean Pentacostal churches already do their best to reach them, and pray for them, praise God for that!

If these so called "weak" denominations do so much, what are we to say about the Baptists, the Presbyterians who have so much resources, bible education and blessings?

News Item5/8/2020 11:22 AM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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That is why sermon audio is such a blessing, and we should pray for it often!

Other online services like youtube clearly are traitors, and won't hesitate to sensor when the time comes.

News Item5/8/2020 11:02 AM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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I was amazed to find out that Nahum was a type of a sequel to Jonah, Christians often ignore the minor prophets, but there are always some little details that it's a shame we miss them 😊👍

News Item5/8/2020 8:24 AM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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I don't know.. whole book of nahum God is really upset at Ninevah:

"Woe to the bloody city! It is all full of lies and robbery. Its victim never departs."
Nahum 3:1 NKJV

News Item4/26/2020 9:28 AM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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I prefer the NKJV.

What most people don't know, all those bibles in thousands of languages? They are paraphrases, similiar to the new living translation or the message.

Without a biblical education/tradition it's hard to understand many of the Bible concepts, therefore a paraphrase is required.
Here are some examples in my life:

A japanese person will not understand "love my neighbor"

A chinese person does not want to turn into a real bright shinning star that someday will blow out, like mentioned in Daniel:

"And those who turn many to righteousness Like the stars forever and ever."
Daniel 12:3 NKJV

News Item4/11/2020 4:31 PM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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A minister referred to Christ’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem and asked: “What if the donkey on which Jesus was riding had thought all the cheering was for him? What if that small animal had believed that the hosannas and the branches were in his honor?”

On this easter day I won't answer any your questions, but I do want all of us to be like that donkey, On Palm Sunday, the donkey was merely a Christ-bearer, bringing the Son of God into the city where He would give His life for the sins of the world.

Let us develop a healthy “donkey mentality,” what an asset (hehe!) that would be as we travel the road of life. Instead of wondering what people think of us, our concern would be, “Can they see Christ Jesus, the King?”

News Item4/11/2020 10:46 AM
Youth in Asia | Asia  Find all comments by Youth in Asia
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there must be a misunderstanding... I posted this story because it's sad what is happening, I did not mean any contempt to anyone.

Infact, I would not be on this site full of thousands of great christian servants/preachers both ancient and modern alike.

Are you upset because I support easter, sometimes considered a pagan holiday? I have my reasons for following the scriptures, easter is just a modern name, what I really celebrate is passover and the feasts of Israel, not looking at moses who is just a shadow, but Christ in those feasts.

Or is it because I do not support the chinese underground church? I have my reasons for that, one being that the underground church is not a denomination and is filled with all sorts of sick doctrines.

Lastly it has to be the new "keyboard generation" of Christians who think they can fight the spiritual war through social media, on anti-christian platforms, instead of doing through their local church. It might seem like a bigger reach, but the impact is not. Virtual friends are not friends.

Those are the only 3 reasons I could think of where I had clearly shown contempt.

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