I second that call, as the motion needed such. Who knows what the Lord may do with any particular human heart. He saved me. Therefore, He can and will save anyone.
The threat of violence against the Progressives' opposition is something worth tracking. I believe that meets the legal definition of assualt in many jurisdictions.
Dr. Sexton's comments from Temple Baptist's Wednesday night prayer service, which occurred shortly after the riot at the Capitol was put down, really put things into perspective. Again, I was quite edified and encouraged. I hope and pray you will be as well: tinysa.com/sermon/1721310496513
For all the terms and accusations being thrown around, it may well be that the Democrats are guilty of sedition to overthrow the President! In an Isaiah 59 world, nothing is as it seems and certainly not what MSM says it is.
Setting that rancor aside, I was truly edified today by SA's weekly email & daily posting that encouraged readers to pray. I was particularly edified by the highlighted video from Dr. Clarence Sexton.
I think a key point is how many times the nbr of COVID deaths is echoed yet this death toll surpasses that number. Where is the worldwide anguish for these lives? Were they not also precious? Why does this pandemic of which very few survive continue?
My wife & I wefe just discussing this. Just prior to the Civil War, Abolotionist John Brown led a raid on an armory at Harpers Ferry. Is this going to be like that raid? It frightened some into believing that further violence was inevitable.
Is further violence inevitable? Will it become sedition to object to an election result or any other legislative matter?
Who holds the future? What will happen to us?
Then my heart relaxes. The Lord is on His throne. We need to pray for this nation like another news item tonight suggests. But we also need to trust the Lord with it. And I believe we should demand real truth and justice, not just the watered down kind we get fed by the MSM.
There are indeed Presbyterian fundamentalists still around today. I know some who either are or think they are. Same situation for Methodists. Check out the American Council of Christian Churches. They have a list.
Between the Presbyterians and the IFBs, the IFBs are friendlier and display the fruit of the Spirit more readily in general.
That's a great point, Neil, about our civilization collapsing into Third World nation status, and my wife speaks of this often. EVs seem to have a place in that collapse. They are hyperexpensive and seem well suited to the suburban lifestyle of shorter driving distances. But given longer distances, the need for stable and regularly distanced electrical supply, and then the environment issue of batteries that no longer work, it could be a means of pushing us back toward the 1890s. Either one walks or uses a personal animal powered system (i.e. Doc Tim's goat cart) or one uses public transport.
I was on the site a week or so ago helping my wife track down something about a particular hymn. The site is run by Calvin University, formerly Calvin College, which went liberal with its parent denomination, the CRC, decades ago. However, another resource of theirs I've found usefully is the Christian Classic Etheral Library at something like ccel.org. It would be good if they would read some of what they post & take it to heart, but otherwise seemed enamored by new fangled concepts. This was the college in which the student body president is part of the LGBT community.
There is hope and healing found in the pages of God's holy & inspired word. It may not be the kind that many are looking for. But they certainly are both there with truth, justice & wisdom. Grateful for the Lord opening His word to my understanding. His word was a piece that led me to Him in faith in Jesus. For those seeking a refuge, may they find Him as well.
Meanwhile, Brother Carl, that daughter is a victim of a criminal act in many states being younger than the age of consent. So instead of prosecuting the perpetrator, the state executes the innocent child. And the daughter is left scarred for life. The thirty year old man gets off to do it again.
Excellent summary, Brother Wayfarer. Might I add the Maoist street uprisings and the exported cultural revolution? Yes, sir. Quite a situation.
But our brothers and sisters in both China and India, as well as throughout parts of Africa, are facing greater and more dangerous pressures. They need to often be in our prayers.