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5/14/2024 5:56 PM |
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Very Good Interpretation! Thank you for this. I always wonder when I hear certain sermons/teachings why the person is giving limited attention or no attention to the historical setting and who was being addressed. What did it mean to the person or people who were the first to hear what was being said or the first to see what had been written? |
3/7/2024 5:20 PM |
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Great Sermon! Very, very good. Thank-you so much for this message. |
3/7/2024 5:01 PM |
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Great Sermon! Excellent continuation showing why the Old Testament cannot be used to justify the separation of the so-called races and racial hierarchy. |
8/6/2022 2:40 PM |
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A Great Beginning to a Great Series!
8/6/2022 2:39 PM |
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What Can I Say? I can say that part 4 is just as good as part 3...and all the other parts. This is a series worth listening to. |
8/6/2022 2:35 PM |
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A Great Part of an Excellent Series! Part 3 is a great continuation of an excellent series. |
7/30/2022 11:06 AM |
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A Good 'Refresher' Lesson! I never like to say, "Oh, I've heard this before, I don't need to hear it again." So, I take a "refresher" lesson, I hear it again. Usually, I get something out of it. And yes, it happened again. 🙂 |
7/30/2022 10:44 AM |
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Very Good!!! I like history so I really enjoyed this. For those of you who run away from anything that smells of history I think that you will find that this has a pleasant scent. Enjoy.
(There are a couple of versions that I don't remember hearing about.) |
7/28/2022 4:13 PM |
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Just as Good as Part 1! Another refreshing teaching about GOD the BEING. |
7/28/2022 4:10 PM |
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Very, Very Good! With all the political, cultural talks that have been going on among American Christians, and the scandals, I needed to hear about GOD the BEING. And so I went looking and found this teaching. It was refreshment for my soul to hear about Who my God is. |
12/30/2021 2:42 PM |
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Our Lord is Truly Magnificent! Thank you, Bro. Brian, for this message. |
12/30/2021 2:37 PM |
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Great Part 3! Thanks again for part 3 of "Interpretation..." |
12/30/2021 2:34 PM |
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Great Part 2 This "Interpretation...part 2" is also very good. Thank you again. |
12/30/2021 2:29 PM |
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So Good to Remember! What the Holy Scriptures states about God are the lens through which we view history, past and current. Our God has been and still is in control. Thank you, my brother, for this message. |
12/8/2021 8:28 PM |
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Very, Very, Very Good! This is from 2009 but is a needed message for now when there are folks (a few are well-known too) that are now saying that this part of Romans 13 doesn't mean what it really means when it comes to government. |
11/22/2021 3:48 PM |
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I Did Not Know Wow, I didn't know about these underhanded deeds of Wesley against Augustus Toplady!
More importantly, this is another very good part in the series. Thank you for showing how a certain belief actually reduces the greatness of the attributes of our wonderful God. |
11/22/2021 3:40 PM |
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WHEW!!! I've been making my way through this series. More than a few of my brain cells were overheated while listening to this part in the series.🤯 In spite of having a fried noodle 😃, I'm finding this to be a very, very good series. |
10/19/2021 7:56 PM |
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And Another Great Continuation! Thanking you again for making me ponder over the questions and think about which answer(s) fits/fit the information given. |
10/19/2021 7:53 PM |
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Excellent! Thank you for making us think things through. |
10/19/2021 7:49 PM |
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Great Continuation! A very good continuation of what the main purpose of 1 John may be: dealing with Gnostism. Thanks again, my Bro-in-Texas. |

