Compassionate and helpful! Thank you for this compassionate and helpful teaching! Could you please post the reading list so we can study this subject further?
Excellent! All of us need to hear this sermon. We all urgently need humility because God gives His grace to the humble but resists and opposes the proud. Humility is the soil on which other virtues grow. Pride hardens the soil and the growth is stunted.
Excellent! This is an excellent series on fasting and answers the how and why. I needed encoragement in this area and thank our brother for his practical counsel.
Excellent Sermon! Excellent encouragement to pray without wrath and without doubting. Prayer is hard work, but we are not alone in our prayer labors. We have the help of the Trinity on our side.
Extremely encouraging! An extremely encouraging reminder that God wants to do good to His people and invites us to call on Him in our day of trouble.
Encouraging!o Often we don't know how to pray for people. We get caught up praying about their circumstances. But we can follow Paul's method and stay focused on praying for the eternal, for their spiritual well-being.
Excellent reminder! This is an excellent reminder that the Lord's Day is a gift for God's people. It is not a burden. It brings great blessing to God's people.