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5/21/15 3:12 PM |
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Great Sermon! Rev Silversides,
Having written here two years ago, I must re-iterate that the result of female silence and submission in the churches today has resulted in gross sin on the part of men. Absolute power on the part of certain men has given them an evil sense of entitlement, arrogance and foolish belief that they must not listen to women. This has brought down a number of men and churches and the fact remains that men cannot handle the complete power you infer for them...I am therefore convinced that 1 Cor 14:34-35 is the word of the Judaizers: a question referred to in 1 Cor 7:1 that Paul is strongly rebuking in verse 36 'WHAT! CAME THE WORD OF GOD TO YOU ONLY?"...As I said before women have ALWAYS been independently approached by God and His angels from the beginning of the Bible, NEVER THROUGH any man...father, brother or husband. He knows no mediator but Christ. You can search the whole Bible to find such a woman and such a God...they never existed. It is high time the church let her women be free to serve God as He has called them to do...lest they seek to serve Him outside the camp, as Jesus also had to do. John 15:11-21 sets all believers free... "Ye have not chosen me, but I HAVE chosen you, and ORDAINED YOU...go and bring forth fruit” |
11/1/14 1:44 PM |
Judy | | Florida | | | |
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This is EXACTLY what happens when we do not operate as ONE BODY in Christ!! It's shameful that we so disrespect the blood and treasure our Lord gave us that this has happened!! |
10/20/14 8:40 AM |
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Great Sermon! I wonder if anyone has considered that a particular church in its entirety can become abusive to women!
I found that as the abusive men took control of our church and the nice ones left (because they too were abused) the church became more and more abusive in its leadership towards women. Fundamentalism tends this way naturally and when certain men take over it becomes more so, supported by abused wives who support their sense of entitlement and become misogynistic themselves.
These 'super-godly'leaders fit almost every category of abusiveness including keeping all the monies of the church under their control and permitting no women in any leadership positions, reminding them that men alone are entitled to lead, pray, decide, etc...and when a person leaves they are always at fault for not being submissive enough, etc. One such church expelled (excommunicated) 14 elderly parishioners for not 'submitting' to a very wrong decision by their elders. These were people who had been members all their lives and the leadership was just a bunch of arrogant men who had grown accustomed to being bowed down to and couldn't accept any one who questioned them.
I would love to hear a sermon on 'the church as abuser'...there are churches that closely resemble the Taliban in our circles. |
9/17/14 1:20 PM |
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Great Sermon Series...must hear! Matthew Henry confirms the meaning of Genesis 3:16 in his commentary, as follows:
“II. She (Eve) is here * put into a state of subjection. The whole sex, which BY CREATION WAS EQUAL WITH MAN, is, for sin, made inferior…the sentence was not a curse, to bring her to ruin, but a chastisement, to bring her to repentance….”
Matthew Henry's commentary on Genesis 3:16 after the Fall doesn't agree with the Danver's statement on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood that suggests the husband was head of the wife FROM THE BEGINNING...nor do I and many others who still hold to the infallibility of scripture. The fallibility is in ourselves and we need to humble ourselves and search more carefully to see if our traditions are true to the Bible or not...
But despite this, the whole series should be required listening for all Christians. |
9/12/14 9:11 AM |
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Great Sermon! Don't miss this great series! Regarding the comment during sermon: you described a minister who said "What did he do? Slap you around a little bit?"
This is more than bad...it is not just unacceptable...this pastor's words are clear marks that he also is an abusive man...a man who thinks that to slap her around a 'little bit'is a joke is a man who thinks nothing of doing it himself?
This pastor's life requires investigation. I found this attitude in the churches I attended: an frightening attitude of men with one another ... standing around happy in sharing a 'derogatory kind of laughter' where women knew one of us was being mocked by the group of men. The churches have become a haven for such men and this must either stop or all women will eventually leave them to their own devices and the once majority women in the church will become all male churches...I see regular proof of this...women leaving the churches in droves. We know when the prevailing atmosphere is becoming dangerous for women and this is thanks to the fact that men who stand against such behaviour are usually also driven out of the churches by abusive men...some fundamental churches are becoming an old boys club of such men. Fathers and mothers pay attention! In these churches your daughters are not safe! |
9/11/14 9:57 AM |
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Great Sermon! This is the most frightening sermon so far in this series...it shows how vulnerable women are and even how vulnerable Christian churches are to deception from abusive people...until this sermon I felt there were ways to uncover the deception, but when he said even those who pretend to fight for protection for people can be some of the most abusive in disguise one wonders how far Satan will go to hide his intentions...God help us all!
This sermon series should be required listening for all people, especially those in the churches, and most especially ALL WOMEN! |
8/24/14 1:32 AM |
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Great Sermon! What a blessing to finally hear a sermon on this subject from someone who actually believes that the Lord still gifts some people with this gift. I have tried to discuss this gift with many "Bible Scholars" only to be reprimanded and told that I should not judge people and that the Lord does not work in that way today. I didn't understand the gift myself and was just trying to get information so that I could understand it better. I didn't go to Bible school but I am married to the Pastor of a Fundamental Baptist church. I believe this is why I have the gift. I have no pre-conceived notions about how God is supposed to work today according to the local Bible scholars. I only know what the Bible says and what I have learned from good Bible preaching and the Holy Spirit Himself, Who knows all about everything that I need to know. What a precious gift that the Lord has given to our church.You were right about feeling alone. As Tozer said, " The man who carries a cross will not have many friends". That's O.K with me if that is what the Lord wants. Thank you for letting the Lord use you to speak to my heart.
Rom. 12:1-2 |
3/19/14 2:04 AM |
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Great Sermon! One of the best sermons I have ever heard preached...excellent research and presentation...and devoid of self in the presenter.
Wonderful conclusion and application as well. |
3/12/14 3:43 PM |
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re 'Preaching with Integrity' Only thing worse than contemporary pagan feminism is infernal, emasculating pagan patriarchy that came in with Rome, clung to Calvin, and has spawned feminism by it's gross worldliness and sinfulness!
Paul was right when he said grievous wolves would enter the church not sparing the flock and they hit on the most tender vessels that few have cared to defend since....women.
Don't you get it that the patriarchal culture that extends over all the globe is the REAL "contemporary worldly culture" that currently smothers the church? The wolves are running the church. |
10/23/13 1:13 AM |
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NECESSARY TRUTH It is the GOODNESS of God that leadeth thee to repentence...glad this has been brought out to reveal the futility of fear mongering preaching.
I fear however, that the usual treatment of women by fundamentalists will eventually sour this woman on our churches and lead her out as it has me...for she will find little of God's goodness toward women when she discovers teachings like the Article 10 of this website and realizes she and all women are in a dead end for serving our Great God in any serious capacity other than in the kitchen or in dangerous foreign fields, alone...only there will she find the freedom to tell others of His goodness for we prefer our women SILENT and helpless with their hands tied behind their backs. We have no room for God's Jaels and the fierce Godly women of Judges 9:53 and 2 Samuel 20:19 or the many Bible women who acted on their own without consulting male leadership, like Abigail and Hannah and Mary the mother of Jesus and most others as well. We have imposed our culture on women and made them timid and useless for God, unable to make Godly decisions in the churches or to go out and teach others the scriptures unless they leave their home churches and go elsewhere. "LET MY PEOPLE GO THAT THEY MAY SERVE ME." saith the Lord. |
8/20/13 12:32 AM |
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(This sermon is no longer available) |
Surprising conclusions! Jesus chose to subordinate Himself, but no human ever chooses subordination because humans are not trustworthy. Jesus commanded: “All things ye would that men would do to you, do ye even so to them”, and: “thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.” Paul said “Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another”. Some churches leave these out of their theology of women. James 2:9 says “if ye have respect to persons, ye commit sin, and are convinced of the law as transgressors.” See Article 10 of Faith on this website, for example. Respect of persons is prejudice or discrimination. The perception that women are unequal in the church is because they are degraded when they are treated differently. The argument for Adam’s headship is false because of the recurring pattern in scripture where the second born take headship: Isaac over Ishmael, Jacob over Esau, Judah, David and Joseph over their older brothers, and Moses over Aaron. The practice of inequality to women causes abuse because inequality implies inferiority. Instead of one mediator, women have several mediators…a reversion to the papacy. Oddly women have to leave churches to find the glorious liberty of Christ. Let us know when you are ready for us to come back. |
8/1/13 12:00 AM |
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Food for thought God said: Ezekiel 18:25 “Hear now, O house of Israel; Is not my way EQUAL? are not your ways UNEQUAL ?”Jesus said “All things ye would that(humankind) would do to you, do ye even so to them.” Romans 12:10 “Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love IN HONOUR PREFERRING ONE ANOTHER;” “Submit yourselves one to another in the fear of God.” “The head of the woman is the man and the head of the man is Christ and the head of Christ is God.”…well Christ “did not think it robbery to be equal with God”, who is His head and therefore headship does not denote a hierarchy or inequality, else we would do despite to the Trinity. “Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves.” Philippians 2:3
Jesus, Eph 2:14-15, "...abolished in his flesh...enmity…” and therefore: “In Christ there is neither male not female” or as Matthew Henry says, on Eph 2:14-15 “Jesus Christ is our peace, v. 14. He...came to reconcile, 1. Jews and Gentiles (male and female, bond and free) to each other. “God is no respecter (discriminator, prejudicial, intolerant, partisan,chauvinistic, bigoted, partial, unjust or biased) of persons” James 2:9 says we sin if we respect persons (discriminate). Yet we are taught this is God's will. |
7/25/13 10:53 AM |
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Interesting and inventive Rev. Silversides,
I am a bit confused by your admission that God has gifted women both as preachers and theologically and nevertheless requires their absolute silence in the church.
Why do you think God has given women these gifts? It just seems to fly in the face of Jesus command in the parable of the talents and leaves women completely flummoxed wondering how to deal with the dichotomy that they are condemned by God for not using their talents and condemned by you for using them.
Oh but you also said I am also not permitted to ask questions and my husband does not attend church...what to do!
What is your solution? |
6/7/13 6:03 PM |
judy | | Canada | | | |
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Reply to Pastor Bill I do appreciate what you shared but have heard those verses expounded often and have submitted to them for 35 years. I did appraise the scriptures you gave by attempting to draw your focus away from a one-two-verse view and highlighting instead the overview of all scripture. Evidently I failed to reveal to you a vision of the God we serve who does not see our genders, but our hearts, and who came to set His people at liberty. Can God endorse unequal ways (Ezekiel.18:25)? I agree with all Paul’s teachings, but not with formulating his teachings to appear to make God’s way unequal, when He says it is not, or with mistranslations of some of Paul’s Greek words that change the meaning. To say women have more than one Mediator between them and God, and other masters than Christ, contradicts Jesus and the intent of the Reformation. Consider Jesus' treatment of women, He who loves, uplifts, and nurtures women. You may come to see who women are in His sight and how Paul, who was taught by Him, also saw women. We are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus, in His image. Do you discount that? Some do. Pray, if you must, that God will set us all straight and that His Will will be done. I, too, will end my discourse here. God will conclude it in us all. |
6/7/13 8:28 AM |
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One Mediator? Two Masters! Is the doctrine wrong or do men prefer to control women? You say,“(2)Jesus and God are equal, yet the incarnate God was in a subordinate role as mediator,…” The key is, Jesus “chose” this role, temporarily, in the protected, holy, environment of the triune “sovereign” Godhead. In human terms, choosing subordination opens a historically proven excess of abuse and horror, as Jesus demonstrated. Also, “having graduated from ‘fine seminaries’” where gender bias is guaranteed has nothing to do with it, I guess? And coming out of Roman Catholic tradition (the Reformation and Puritanism) where women were burned at the stake as witches wouldn’t have anything to do with it either, I suppose? Did God approve? The tradition that women, exclusively, are evil, unequal, unclean and inferior has persisted through our carnal traditions, and unlike the soul liberty that men claimed in the Reformation, women are still shut out, quenching the Spirit of God in them. Then there is the cruelty (both sexes) found in many so-called Christian homes where inequality isn’t rebuked. 35 years immersed in your view causes me to grieve over the often resulting ‘male’ sin of pride, entitlement and arrogance. How many mediators do women have to go through to get to God? How many masters must they serve? |
6/5/13 7:49 AM |
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WHO IS OUR GOD? Titus 1:6 doesn’t rule out women. Note, women “presbuteros” in 1 Tim 5:2.
Paul doesn’t mention women in Gal 2:4-5, yet that transfers logically from Galatians 3:28. Context cannot deny the heart of God whose Way is Equal:
“12 Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men (people) should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law…” Matthew 7:12
“Love thy neighbour as thyself” quoted 8 times!
If ye respect persons ye sin. James 2:9, and “God is no respecter of persons.” Acts 10:34
Luke 4:18 “The Spirit of the Lord…hath anointed me to …preach deliverance to the captives,…to set at liberty…”.
Luke 1:52: “He hath put down the mighty from their seats, and exalted them of low degree.”
Matt. 23:8 “…for one is your Master, even Christ; and all ye are brethren.”
“by reason of the bondage”…“Let my people go that they may serve me” (Exodus)
“Stand fast in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free and be not entangled again in the yoke of bondage” Gal 5:1
For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; …not …for an occasion to the flesh… Gal 5:13
Submit yourselves one to another…husbands…as Christ (gave himself Gk: paradidomi: to place oneself into the hands of another = submit) Ephesians 5:21-33.
Inequality is described but equality |
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